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L =� <br />& nssocrnres. tnc. <br />Infrastructure . Engineering ■ Planning . Construction <br />701 Xenia Avenue South <br />Suite 300 <br />Minneapolis, MN 55416 <br />Tel: 763 -541 -4800 <br />Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 <br />CITY OF SAINT ANTHONY VILLAGE MEMORANDUM <br />To: <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Mark Casey, City Manager <br />From: <br />Kelsey Johnson, AICP, City Planner <br />Date: <br />October 29, 2013 <br />WSB Project No. <br />02170 -000 <br />Request: <br />Interim Use Permit (IUP) Discussion <br />OVERVIEW <br />Cities have the authority to allow interim uses under MN Stat. §462.3597. It defines an interim use as a <br />"temporary use of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a particular event, or until <br />zoning regulations no longer permit it ". When such circumstances exists, an interim use permit may be <br />granted by the City Council. The permit may be issued for a certain period of time, with automatic <br />cancellation at the end of the time unless it is renewed, or conditions may be applied to the issuance of a <br />permit and/or periodic review may be required. <br />An interim use permit can be granted if. (1) it conforms to the zoning regulations; (2) the termination date <br />or event can be identified with certainty; (3) the use will not impose additional costs on the public if it is <br />necessary for the public to take over the property in the future; and (4) the user agrees to any conditions. <br />IUP's are useful tools where a proposed use fits within the current zoning plan, but may not fit with future <br />plans as development/redevelopment occurs or the use of the property changes. Unlike a Conditional Use <br />Permit (CUP) which is recorded against the property and runs with the land, and Interim Use Permit <br />(IUP) has the ability to set an expiration date for which the interim use must cease. <br />While the Interim Use Permit (IUP) process will (initially) be a hassle for applicants, the City Council can <br />grant reoccurring IUP's until a particular date (one year; any 90 day period for the next three years; every <br />June, July and August for 5 years, etc.) and /or until a particular event (the property is <br />developed/redeveloped, rezoned, the County wants more right -of -way, etc.), or the City can change the <br />zoning ordinance and do away with some or all the interim uses in the various zoning districts. <br />Just like "Permitted Uses ", "Conditional Uses ", or "Accessory Uses" listed in each Zoning District, <br />"Interim Uses" could also be listed. However, often times interim uses are difficult to describe or <br />unknown at the time of Ordinance adoption. Examples of interim uses include, but are not limited to, <br />farmer's (or seasonal) markets, tree sales lots, storage of equipment for a pond dredging project (of which <br />the project may take several years to finish), conversion of a gas station into a seasonal coffee shop <br />(where the City has long term vision for what the site may develop /redevelop into). <br />DRAFT LANGUAGE FOR DISCUSSION <br />INTERIM USE PERMIT. A temporary use of property until a particular date, until the occurrence of a <br />particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. <br />152.246 Interim Use Permit (IUP) <br />(A) Applicability. An interim use is intended as a temporary use of property until a particular date, <br />until the occurrence of a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. When such <br />circumstances exist, an Interim Use Permit (IUP) may be granted by the City Council. The permit may be <br />issued for a certain period or time, with automatic cancellation at the end of the time unless it is renewed, <br />or conditions may be applied to the issuance of a permit and/or periodic review may be required. <br />