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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3: Community Profile <br />13 <br /> <br />Existing Natural Features <br />St. Anthony is a fully developed community that was largely built during <br />an era when there were lesser protections on wetlands and other natural <br />features than there are today. Consequently, there are only a few <br />remaining wetlands, and most of them have been degraded from their <br />original conditions. <br />However, there are two major natural features that will be considered in <br />this plan: <br />Silverwood Park <br />This 115-acre regional park, located at the northern end of the City, was <br />acquired by the Three Rivers Park District. Silverwood boasts 2,300 feet <br />of shoreline on Silver Lake and a 20-acre mature upland oak forest that <br />features mainly white oaks, but also contains red oak, bur oak, cherry and <br />aspen. The woods also provide habitat for wildlife such as sharp-shinned <br />hawks, white-breasted nuthatches and cedar waxwings. FIGURE 3-3 shows <br />the location of Silver Lake and the only other lake in the city, Mirror Lake. <br />Gross Golf Course and Sunset Memorial Park <br />Gross Golf Course is owned by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation <br />Board, and Sunset Memorial Park is a private cemetery. While both are <br />highly managed for turf grass and trees rather than ecological integrity, <br />their combined area totals approximately 250 acres. <br />Other Features <br />There are several low areas in the city used for ponding surface water <br />that are dry during parts of the year. Also, Mirror Lake exists on the <br />municipal boundary shared with New Brighton. <br />Existing Park System <br />St. Anthony’s current parks and recreation system contains several city <br />parks, a regional park and several regional trails. All of these features are <br />shown on the map in FIGURE 3-3. The entire portion of St. Anthony <br />Boulevard that is located within the City of St. Anthony is part of a <br />regional Trail Search Corridor to connect a “missing link” of the Grand <br />Rounds trail system. <br /> <br />