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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 27, 2018 <br />Page 9 <br />Mayor Faust asked City Attorney Phil Steger for comments. Mr. Steger reviewed the authority of <br />the Council and the procedural requirements. He quoted City Code and advised May 26 would <br />be the date by which Council has to decide the matter. <br />City Manager Casey noted City staff has had conversations with AEON and they are <br />aggressively engaged with Bremer Bank on the possible development of that property and <br />timelines will be coming up shortly for grant applications. <br />10 Mayor Faust stated he has been contacted by Bremer Bank and it is good to see AEON is moving <br />1 I forward. He noted the Council has two decisions this evening in addition to the one from AEON <br />12 on affordable housing. With the reduction in units per acre and the building height reduction, <br />13 Mayor Faust indicated he is inclined to move forward on approving the preliminary plat and <br />14 PUD. <br />15 <br />16 Councilmember Jenson stated the new revelation with AEON and Bremer Bank addresses some <br />17 of the concerns he would raise regarding the preliminary plat and PUD. He is happy to hear there <br />18 appears to be a breakthrough that would address the affordable housing concerns. <br />19 <br />20 Councilmember Gray agreed the adjustments in the plan show the developers listened to the <br />21 concerns expressed. He feels good about AEON and Bremer Bank's work. He noted the City - <br />22 owned bowling alley site is also available to developers for affordable housing. He is inclined to <br />23 vote in favor of the preliminary plat and PUD this evening. <br />24 <br />25 Mayor Faust stated he has not received any public input sheets so he would entertain a motion <br />26 from Council. Public input sheets were submitted. <br />27 <br />28 Mr. Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview Avenue, read a prepared statement and noted most of the <br />29 issues have been resolved but he has three issues remaining. He stated it is unreasonable for the <br />30 Kenzington to request a setback up to four times what they have in their building. He agrees with <br />31 the developer's solution. He requested Council change the wording in the resolution to state that <br />32 the setbacks be as shown in the revised site plan dated 3/19/18. Mr. Thorvig's second issue is the <br />33 park dedication requirements. He requested Council add an additional resolved statement that <br />34 reads as follows: "Notwithstanding the recommendation of the parks commission, the expenses <br />35 incurred in the construction of the 8' walkway will not be credited against normal park <br />36 dedication fees for this project." His third concern is on affordable housing. He requested <br />37 Council add another resolved statement requiring affordable housing units in this subdivision. <br />38 <br />39 Ms. Sandy Sherman, 4008 Foss Road, stated there was an article in the newspaper. The Council <br />40 had promised that low- income housing would be part of this development but the only portion <br />41 that is affordable is the senior housing for those 80% of AMI. Ms. Sherman provided the Met <br />42 Council's definition of 80% of AMI. She does not believe any of these rents are affordable when <br />43 the average pay is $15/hour and this does not provide a place for the Lowry Grove residents. Ms. <br />44 Sherman stated Bremer Bank was never part of this development. She said affordable housing is <br />45 supported elsewhere and she believes the City Administration does not want affordable housing. <br />