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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2: Vision & Goals <br />4 <br /> <br />CHAPTER 2: C OMMUNITY VISION AND GOALS <br />DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION, VISION AND GOALS <br />Saint Anthony Village has a history of sound decision-making rooted in <br />annual strategic planning. A necessity to the effective implementation of <br />any Comprehensive Plan, a strategic plan provides the critical adjustments <br />needed for successful realization of the long-term goals and policies. <br />Therefore, this document will restate and reflect the city’s mission, vision, <br />and goals. Nothing in the development of the Comprehensive Plan should <br />conflict with these overarching policy statements. <br />VOICES FROM THE COMMUNITY: PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT <br />A comprehensive planning process is enhanced and strengthened by input <br />from residents, business owners, interest groups and advisory committees. <br />St. Anthony’s 2040 comprehensive planning process was structured to <br />allow for robust community engagement during early phases of the project, <br />to guide the visioning process and aid in developing plan goals; then again <br />during the draft plan stage. The engagement strategy specifically pursued <br />participation from subsets of the community who typically do not or cannot <br />attend traditional public meetings. Target engagement populations <br />included seniors and longtime St. Anthony residents, parents with young <br />children, high school students and citizen sustainability advocates. An <br />online engagement forum was established to provide a 24/7 input <br />opportunity. The forum was used to post updates about the planning <br />process and ask directed questions from the public. <br />2040 Comp Plan Public Engagement Efforts <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee <br />The 2040 Plan Steering Committee membership comprised sitting <br />Planning Commissioners and two City Councilmembers. The role of the <br />Steering Committee was to provide f eedback and guidance on plan goals, <br />direction and content throughout the planning process. The Committee was <br />asked to think critically about the issues facing the City of St. Anthony and <br />suggest appropriate planning measures to address these issues in the <br />context of the Comprehensive Plan. The Steering Committee received <br />assistance from City staff and invited guest experts in sustainability and <br />housing planning to provide education and guidance during the planning <br />process.