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CC PACKET 05222018
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CC PACKET 05222018
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St. Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 3: Community Profile <br />8 <br /> <br />CHAPTER 3: C OMMUNITY PROFILE <br />HISTORY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />St. Anthony Village is a first-ring suburb located just north and east of <br />Minneapolis, and its 2.35 square miles in land area span across both <br />Hennepin and Ramsey counties. St. Anthony is bordered by Minneapolis <br />to the west and is also adjacent to Roseville to its east, New Brighton to the <br />northeast, and Columbia Heights to the northwest. <br />Originally part of the larger St. Anthony Township, the area now known as <br />St. Anthony Village became an incorporated municipality in 1945. In the <br />years following World War II, housing demand increased rapidly and St. <br />Anthony’s landscape was transformed from a rural area into an urbanized <br />and largely residential location. <br />THE LAND <br />Existing Land Use <br />Existing land use can be thought of as what actually exists on the ground <br />at the present time, regardless of what has been planned or what zoning <br />regulations exist. The most accurate depiction of what land uses currently <br />exist in St. Anthony comes from the Metropolitan Council’s 2016 <br />Generalized Land Use map, which uses a combination of aerial <br />photography, county parcel data and community “ground truthing” to <br />provide current land use types by acreage. <br />The existing Land Use in St. Anthony is typical of a post-WWII, first-ring <br />suburb community. Over 40 percent of its 1,507 acres are devoted to single <br />family detached housing. Perhaps unique for a community the size and age <br />of St. Anthony is the amount of development in the form of multifamily and <br />attached housing, consisting of about 155 acres or 10 percent of the total <br />land area. <br />Existing land use types, total acreage and percent of total acreage are <br />shown in the table below. As a fully-developed inner-ring suburb <br />community, very little land in the City remains undeveloped. <br />
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