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CC PACKET 06122018
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CC PACKET 06122018
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June 12, 2018 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The Applicant is requesting an increase in children from 14 to 17 children. Currently, with the three <br />teachers she has on site, her Child Care License allows her up to 17 children. However, it is the <br />interpretation that the city code does not allow, nor does Statute protect, such a use. Therefore, <br />staff has directed the Applicant that, in order to proceed with the childcare center at 17 children, <br />she would need to make the following requests: <br />1) A zoning code text amendment to list a Child Center facility with up to 17 children as a <br />permitted or conditional use in the R‐1 district; <br />2) A conditional use permit to allow for a Child Center facility with up to 17 children on the <br />property located at 3029 Wilson Street. <br />If the Council finds a compelling public interest to change the code to allow for such a use, then a <br />conditional use permit can also be considered. If the Council finds such a use not appropriate in the R‐1 <br />zoning district, the request for a conditional use permit is moot, and must be denied. <br />Staff has received several calls relating to this request, both in favor and against the proposed increase <br />in children. One letter in writing was received opposed to the request, and is included in your packet. <br /> <br />APPLICABLE CODES AND STATUTES <br /> Section 152.036, the City zoning ordinance lists “State licensed facilities permitted under M.S. § <br />462.357, Subd. 7, as it may be amended from time to time,” as permitted uses in the R‐1 district. <br /> In Section 152.242, the City zoning ordinance sets forth the review for zoning text amendments. <br /> In Section 152.243, the City zoning ordinance sets forth the review and approval criteria for <br />conditional use permits. <br /> M.S. § 462.357, Subd. 7 says “a licensed day care facility serving 12 or fewer persons, and a <br />group family day care facility licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 to <br />serve 14 or fewer children shall be considered a permitted single family residential use of <br />property for the purposes of zoning.” <br />’s website page on Child care center License (Rule 3) defines child care: <br />o A child care center, generally, is characterized by a location other than the provider’s or <br />caregiver’s home, larger numbers of children being cared for, and staff qualifications <br />and training requirements. <br />o Family child care is generally provided in the caregiver’s home and no more than 14 <br />children can be cared for at any one time. <br /> <br />ANALYSIS OF REQUEST FOR A ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT <br />The applicant is requesting the addition of language to § 152.037, Permitted Conditional Uses for <br />the R‐1 zoning district, to allow for child care centers serving up to 17 persons. M.S. § 462.357, Subd. <br />7 allows group family day care facilities serving 14 or fewer children. Because the applicant’s <br />business is licensed as a child care center, rather than family child care, it does not have state‐ <br />imposed restrictions on the number of children the center can serve, provided adequate space and <br />services. <br />A zoning text amendment adding a child care center as a conditional use would add a new use to the <br />conditional use chart in the R‐1 zoning district. Generally speaking, conditional uses should be <br />considered generally permitted, with conditions. Therefore, uses in this district should be <br />compatible with other R‐1 Single Family uses. Currently permitted uses include single‐family homes, <br />schools, assembly uses and religious institutions, and parks. <br />The City has broad discretion in the review and approval of a zoning code text amendment since it is <br />considered a policy change. While the requested zoning code text amendment does not by itself <br />20
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