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I own a preschool in St.Anthony Village called Willow & Sprout. We are a holistic early <br />childhood community including children ages 16months -5 years of age. We are licensed under <br />a Rule 3, with which the state allows up to 17 children. However, the city has restricted that <br />number to14 children per day. Our ratios are 3 licensed-teachers to the 14 children. This ratio is <br />small and consistent to provide a high quality early childhood experience. Our hours are <br />8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Our hours support us living well with our neighbors. Many people <br />leave for work before 8am and come home after 5:00pm. The preschool is in a home in a <br />neighborhood. I wanted to create an environment for curiosity and learning that felt like the <br />intimacy of home and the transparency of a neighborhood school. <br />Nine years ago I worked with Kim Moore Sykes, the city planner at the time, to create a new <br />and unique preschool. I was so proud at how pro early childhood the city of St. Anthony Village <br />was and continues to be. This is unique to the city. The city heard my vision and supported the <br />unique experience. Kim did provide me a letter stating that the city would allow this business <br />model and defer to the county (Rule 2) and state (Rule 3: up to 17 children allowed) to oversee <br />the details of the program. (see letter attached) I purchased the house in St. Anthony knowing I <br />would be able to run my business in a sustainable and responsible manner: fiscally and <br />professionally. <br />I am requesting the city to consider honoring the original letter I received from Kim Moore Sykes <br />allowing me to adhere to the Rule 3 allowance per the State of MN of 17 children. This change <br />will allow me to do what I was originally permitted to do. The state would approve this change. <br />This will allow us to fiscally sustain and continue to provide the high quality experience to St. <br />Anthony families and surrounding communities. This is an exciting opportunity for St. Anthony <br />Village to continue to value the importance of early childhood in their community while <br />supporting a progressive, woman owned small business. My business aligns with the cities <br />mission statement: To be a progressive and welcoming Village that is walkable, sustainable and <br />safe. Because of our location in a neighborhood it is walkable and safe. As well as we continue <br />to desire to create a business model that is sustainable. I ask that you join me in continuing to <br />support another option for parents and their families during their early childhood experience. <br />Warmly, <br />Jen Johnson <br />owner of Willow & Sprout <br />29