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•Safety: <br />–Continue working with Hennepin County on future improvements at <br />Kenzie Terrace and 27th Avenue NE <br />•Speed: <br />–Provide additional speed enforcement <br />–Develop a policy for the use and possible installation of a driver feed- <br />back signs in the city. <br />Recommendations <br />•Pedestrian: <br />–Develop City policy for location of a School Speed Zone (20mph). <br />This may be applied to 27th Avenue NE and Stinson Boulevard. <br />–Changes to Stinson Boulevard will required approval from the MPRB <br />•Cut-Through: <br />–Review additional signage on northbound and southbound Coolidge <br />St at Pahl Avenue NE <br />–Consider “No Thru Traffic” signs on both ends of the alleys between <br />Wilson Street and Roosevelt Street <br />–Continue to monitor traffic as adjacent development continues <br />Recommendations