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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 5 <br /> <br />Existing Traffic Characteristics <br /> In order to evaluate the current safety and operational conditions in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area, the existing traffic characteristics were collected. This included: <br />• Traffic volumes (hourly and daily) <br />• Heavy vehicle volumes <br />• Pedestrian volumes <br />• Crash history <br />• Vehicle speeds <br />• Current traffic control (signing, pavement markings, sidewalks, etc.). <br />Traffic Volumes Hourly turning movement and daily traffic volumes were collected over a two-week period from May 18, 2018 to May 31, 2018 for most of the area roadway system. Based on comments at the public information meeting additional traffic counts were collected over a one-week period from September 5, 2018 to September 11th, 2018. In both cases the counts were conducted when school was in session to assure a worst-case condition. In general, the counts show that the volumes in the area are at those of typical residential neighborhood streets. Typical residential streets will have traffic volumes between 500 and 1000 vehicles per day(vpd). The ADT volumes on the streets in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area range from less than 100 to 750vpd <br />Figure 2 shows the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes for an average weekday, average Saturday and average Sunday in area. Included in the Appendix is a table showing a summary of the ADT traffic volumes per day. <br />Figure 3 shows the hourly traffic volumes on an average weekday for the AM peak hour (7:15am-8:15am), PM peak hour (4:30pm-5:30pm) and school peak hour (3:15pm – 4:15pm). Figure 4 the hourly traffic volumes on an average Saturday peak hour and average Sunday peak hour. <br />Heavy Vehicle Volumes Heavy vehicle traffic volumes were collected in conjunction with the average daily traffic counts. The vehicle classification was based on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standard vehicle splits. The standard FHWA Vehicle Classification table is included in the Appendix. Figure 5 shows the percent vehicles, percent single unit trucks / buses and percent of heavy trucks. Typical residential streets will have heavy vehicle traffic ranging from 2% to 5%. The percent heavy vehicles in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area range from 0 to 4.7%.
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