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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 17 <br />Identified Issues Issues were identified based on two primary sources including neighborhood input and the data collected. The issues and concerns identified include: 1. Vehicle traffic volumes 2. Speeding 3. Cut-through traffic 4. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic / circulation 5. School traffic 6. Adjacent development <br /> Based on the data collected three primary issues were reviewed including, safety, speed and cut-through traffic. In order to determine the magnitude of the issues and the level of improvements needed, screening criteria was developed and discussed below. <br /> <br />Safety The safety of an intersection or roadway segment is defined by the number, frequency and type of crashes at a location. An intersection or roadway segment is not considered to have a safety issue if there have only been one or two crashes during any multiyear analysis period. However, if there have been more than three crashes the following criteria should be used to trigger further study of an intersection or roadway segment. <br />• One (1) crash per year for three or more years, or <br />• More than three (3) crashes in one year. Based on these criteria the only location in the study area that was identified for additional study is the intersection of Kenzie Terrace at 27th Avenue NE with 7 reported crashes. All other intersections or roadway segments had three crashes or less in the 5-year period. <br />Speed The 85% speed is used as the primary measure of the speed on a segment of street. If the 85% speed is greater than the posted (30mph) speed limit, then the street segment should be further studied. Based on this criterion the only roadway segment that had a 85% speed over 30mph was 27th Avenue NE between Roosevelt Street and Wilson Street at 32.4mph. <br />Cut-Through Traffic The potential for cut-through traffic was evaluated for the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area. The study area is fairly captive with a limited number of street accesses in and out. Based on a review of the area there are approximately 92 homes in the study area that could use the area streets to St Anthony Boulevard, Stinson Parkway or Kenzie Terrace.
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