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CC PACKET 11272018
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CC PACKET 11272018
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<br /> <br /> <br />27th AVE NE / Pahl AVE NE AREA TRAFFIC STUDY <br />CITY OF ST ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />WSB PROJECT NO. 12064-000 PAGE 10 <br />Pedestrian Volumes Pedestrian volumes were collected with the hourly turning movement counts conducted at the intersections in the study area. The data indicates that the pedestrian volumes are slightly higher during the afternoon school peak hour time. The heaviest volumes were recorded: along Roosevelt Street adjacent to the school; at the Stinson Parkway crossing at 27th Avenue NE, and; at the Roosevelt Street crossing at St Anthony Boulevard. <br />Figure 6 shows the hourly pedestrian volumes on an average weekday for the AM peak hour (7:15am-8:15am), PM peak hour (4:30pm-5:30pm) and school peak hour (3:15pm – 4:15pm). Figure 7 shows the hourly traffic volumes on an average Saturday peak hour and average Sunday peak hour. <br />Vehicle Speeds In conjunction with the daily traffic counts, vehicle speeds were also collected. Vehicle speed data is typically given as the 85% speed. The 85% speed represents the speed at which 85% percent of the counted vehicles are traveling at or below. Research indicates that this value is where most drivers will operate their vehicle in a reasonable manor. The posted speed limit on the area roadways is 30 mph which is the typical speed limit on most residential streets. The data indicates that most streets in the study area have vehicles that are traveling at or below the posted speed. The 85% speed ranges from 25.0mph to 32.4mph. Figure 8 shows the average 85% vehicle speed for the average weekday and weekend on the streets within the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area. Included in the Appendix is a table showing a summary of the vehicle speeds per day. <br />Crash History Using the State of Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (CMAT), crash data from the past 5 years (2011-2015) was documented. The data shows that over the past five years five locations have had at least one crash. The locations that have had more than one crash are at the intersections outside the study area including: Stinson Parkway at 27th Avenue NE; St Anthony Boulevard at Wilson Street, and; Kenzie Terrace at 27th Avenue NE. NE. Of the crashes reported the majority have been either rear-end or sideswipe type crashes. <br />Figure 9 shows the location of the crashes from 2011-2015 in the 27th Avenue NE / Pahl Avenue NE area. Table 1 show the crash data by year for each location. Table 2 shows the type of crash by location.
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