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PL PACKET 12172018
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PL PACKET 12172018
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />November 26, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />lake. The accessory building will be pretty much in the hill and only the front of the building 1 <br />would be seen from the lake. There was a similar application on the north side of the lake for an 2 <br />accessory building. The location of the pool is the only one available due to their land. Several of 3 <br />their neighbors have written letters in support of their request. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Commissioner Socha asked about the accessory structure and noted she reviewed the rules and 6 <br />noted the applicant is well within the definition. She read the applicable rule. She feels there 7 <br />should be a couple of conditions such as no more than 5 gallons of gasoline be stored and the 8 <br />building have a maximum height, a similar square footage maximum if it needs to be rebuilt and 9 <br />be treated to reduce visibility from the lake. She supports the variance request with the proposed 10 <br />four conditions. 11 <br /> 12 <br />Commissioner Larson asked about the accessory structure requiring excavation and would a 13 <br />building permit be required. Ms. Just stated the building will require permits. 14 <br /> 15 <br />Commissioner Neumann stated she uses the Silver Lake Park and there is a building and they 16 <br />rent items. She stated the Mayor does not want miniature mansions. She asked what if everyone 17 <br />else on the lakeshore wanted the same. She does not feel there is an issue with the accessory 18 <br />building if it blends in and preserves the lakeshore. There have been some homes rebuilt. She 19 <br />asked if this is approved, how much of it has to do with him being a colleague. 20 <br /> 21 <br />Commissioner Westrick stated she also reviewed the rules and it seems the accessory structure 22 <br />meets the criteria for a variance. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Chair Papatola stated the structure on the north side of the lake, at Silverwood, required a similar 25 <br />variance. Ms. Just stated that is her understanding. Commissioner Neumann noted they do not 26 <br />have a pool. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Commissioner Kalar asked what the rationale is of the 75 feet. Ms. Just stated most jurisdictions 29 <br />with bodies of water, there are setbacks. The setbacks have increased due to environmental 30 <br />considerations. In 1991 the City Council adopted a 50-foot setback and between 1991 and 1993 31 <br />it was increased to 75 feet due to a desire to protect the lake. The 75 feet is the largest setback 32 <br />within the residential districts of the City. 33 <br /> 34 <br />Commissioner Larson stated there are two other pools on the lake which were constructed before 35 <br />the new ordinance was in place. Ms. Just stated one of the pools were built in the 1960’s and the 36 <br />other was built in the early 1990’s. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Commissioner Socha stated she does not want to see a precedence set since this pool is totally 39 <br />within the 75-foot setback. The environmental concerns may be elevated because the elevation is 40 <br />higher up. She feels this is against the ordinance that was passed. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Chair Papatola feels the applicant is a good steward of the lake and has no doubt about that. The 43 <br />zoning modified was clear in 1991 and addressed swimming pools. At this point Silver Lake is 44 <br />not a top-quality lake and he would error with caution on how the property was developed. He 45
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