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INTRODUCTION SERVICE AREA VISION PARK PLANS IMPLEMENTATIONPLANNING PROCESS <br />EAST OF THE RIVER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />OPERATIONS AND <br />MAINTENANCE <br />3: PHASE 1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT <br />MPRB staff, consultants, community connectors, and CAC <br />members attended nearly 90 events that summer, both in <br />the parks and elsewhere. There were also maps of each park <br />and a description of the plan on display in each rec center for <br />several months where park users could make notes. No park <br />designs were presented. Rather, the engagement activities <br />were designed to get people thinking generally about what <br />the park system as a whole should be and what they would <br />like to change or preserve in their local park. And finally, <br />since much of this stage of engagement fell during winter <br />months, when there are fewer community events to attend to <br />get input, the design team developed a series of Park Design <br />Sessions. The Park Design Sessions were hosted in almost <br />every neighborhood in NE and SE Minneapolis and were <br />open to the public. They were designed as hour long creative <br />sessions focused on the parks and triangles in each of the <br />neighborhoods. An average of 20 people attended each of the <br />80 of design sessions. As a result of these engagements, the <br />design team produced summaries of responses associated <br />with each park and parks in general in the service area. This <br />information was included in the Data Jam and provided <br />critical insight as the design team began drawing the first <br />initial park plans. Also during this phase, MPRB planning staff <br />and consultants met with each recreation center leader as <br />well as with an MPRB team from across the organization. The <br />general input and summaries of the data from this phase are <br />in Appendix B (DATA JAM PACKETS). <br />Image 14 | TOP : Community member participating in early park visioning. Source: MPRB <br />Image 15 | BOTTOM LEFT : Perkins + Will staff talks to young park users on early park design concepts. Source: MPRB <br />Image 16 | BOTTOM RIGHT : Park user reviews concept plans. Source: MPRB 26