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April 16, 2019 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />A. Front Setback Variance. The homes adjacent to the subject parcel result in an <br />average setback of 35.9 feet for this parcel. The existing home on the property is <br />currently at 32.6 feet, encroaching by 3.3 feet into the required setback as measured <br />by the average of the adjoining properties. The applicants propose to construct <br />front steps that would encroach an additional 7 feet into the required front yard, a <br />resulting proposed setback of 25.6 feet, 10.3 feet closer than the average adjoining <br />setback. The zoning ordinance includes an allowed encroachment for stoops to <br />extend into a front yard by an additional five feet. Thus, the measured <br />encroachment for the proposed front yard variance would be 5.3 feet. <br /> <br />The zoning ordinance sets out a series of criteria for a request to qualify for variance <br />consideration. Those criteria are found in §152.245, (C) Evidence of the Zoning <br />Chapter, and are included in this report for reference below. The criteria can be <br />summarized as whether there are unique conditions on the property that contribute <br />to creation of a practical difficulty in putting the property to what would otherwise <br />be considered a reasonable use – reasonable use is often thought of as one that <br />would be common and acceptable in the area. Variances may not be entirely <br />economic in nature, nor be the result of the actions of the applicant. <br /> <br />In this case, the applicants suggest that there are conditions that meet the required <br />criteria. First, the applicant’s home is setback 32.6 feet from the street – similar to, <br />or slightly more than, nearly every other home constructed along the block of Pahl <br />Avenue. Only the location of the single neighboring property to the east – a larger <br />parcel at the corner of Pahl and Wilson Street NE – includes a 39.8 foot setback, <br />which skews the subject property setback requirement significantly. <br /> <br />The house on the parcel to the west is setback at 31.9 feet (0.7 feet closer than the <br />subject parcel), and includes a front stairway encroaching to 23.0 feet from the right