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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br /> <br />To: St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From: Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date: Planning Commission Meeting – April 16, 2019 <br />NAC Project No. 323.01 – 19.01 <br />Request: Request for Variance to Front Yard Setback Requirement; Variance to <br />Side Yard Setback Requirement; Variance to Impervious Surface Coverage <br />Requirement <br /> <br />Property Address: 2609 Pahl Avenue <br /> <br />Property PID: 07-029-23-21-.0080 <br /> <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />The applicant has constructed an addition to the rear of an existing home at the above noted <br />address. The addition to the one-story rambler included a large window well area to provide <br />light to the lower level. As a part of the project, the applicant constructed walkways and a <br />side-yard patio that were not included on the original plans. Additional work includes front and <br />rear raised landings, one of which is the construction of a front stoop that encroaches into the <br />front yard setback. In reviewing the work, the project both as now constructed and as <br />proposed raised three potential elements that would have required variances, as follows: <br />A. Raised front steps that encroach farther into the required 35.9 foot front yard setback <br />(the existing structure is currently closer than the average setback of the adjoining <br />parcels). The proposed setback would be 25.6 feet. <br />B. Sidewalk access between front and rear yards which expands to a patio that encroaches <br />by 3.8 feet into the required 5 foot side yard setback, to a proposed setback of 1.2 feet <br />(this portion was constructed but not approved previously). <br />C. Steps, walkway, and patio which combine to increase impervious surface on the lot by <br />2.5% beyond the required 35% maximum coverage (a proposed maximum impervious of <br />37.5%). <br />Since the time of the original public hearing notice, the applicants have worked with staff to <br />refine their application, making changes to increase conformity with several aspects of the <br />zoning ordinance. Those changes resulted in narrowing of much of the paved space in the side <br />yard to less than 5 feet in width, and a resulting reduction to overall impervious surface to <br />36.7%. <br />