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CC PACKET 06112019
City Council
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CC PACKET 06112019
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6/6/2019 9:37:08 AM
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6/6/2019 9:36:38 AM
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Councilmember ____________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, <br />which motion was seconded by Councilmember ___________: <br />RESOLUTION RELATING TO A TAX ABATEMENT; <br />GRANTING THE ABATEMENT <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the “Council”) of the City of St. Anthony, <br />Minnesota (the “City”), as follows: <br />Section 1. Authorization and Recitals. <br />1.01. The City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.1812 to 469.1815, as <br />amended (the “Act”), is authorized to grant an abatement of the property taxes imposed by the <br />City on a parcel of property, if certain conditions are met, through the adoption of a resolution <br />specifying the terms of the abatement. <br />1.02. The City proposes to undertake public improvements consisting of various storm <br />water improvements to address flooding issues and installation of utilities and a new sidewalk <br />along County Road C within the City (the “Project”). <br />1.03. Pursuant to the Act, on the date hereof, this Council conducted a public hearing on <br />the desirability of granting an abatement of property taxes on certain properties expected to be <br />benefited by the proposed Project, which properties are identified on Exhibit A hereto (the <br />“Properties”). Notice of the public hearing was duly published as required by law in the St. <br />Anthony Bulletin, the official newspaper of the City, on May 29, 2019, which date is no fewer <br />than ten and no more than 30 days prior to the date hereof. <br />Section 2. Findings. On the basis of the information compiled by the City and elicited at <br />the public hearing referred to in Section 1.03, it is hereby found, determined and declared: <br />2.01. The Project is in the public interest because it will finance or provide public <br />infrastructure. <br />2.02. The City expects that the benefits of the proposed abatement are not less than the <br />costs of the proposed abatement. The public benefits that the City expects to result from the <br />abatement are reduced flooding and pedestrian safety for the benefit of residents of the City. <br />2.03. The Properties are not located in a tax increment financing district. <br />2.04. The granting of the proposed abatement will not cause the aggregate amount of <br />abatements granted by the City under the Act in any year to exceed the greater of (i) ten percent <br />(10.00%) of the City’s net tax capacity for the taxes payable year to which the abatement applies, <br />or (ii) $200,000. <br />2.05. It is in the best interests of the City to grant the tax abatement authorized in this <br />Resolution. <br />18
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