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CC PACKET 06112019
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CC PACKET 06112019
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6/6/2019 9:36:38 AM
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Community influencers create localized messaging that resonates with the population in their area. They are trusted voices and are best suited to mobilize community resources in an efficient manner.HOW?It’s up to all of us! CCCs know the best way to reach the community and raise awareness. Some activities could include:• Holding CCC kickoff meetings with media briefings.• Participating in Census rallies or parades.• Coordinating Census unity youth forums. • Hosting Interfaith breakfasts and weekend events.• Encouraging the use of Statistics in Schools classroom resources.• Incorporating census information in newsletters, social media posts, podcasts, mailings, and websites.• Helping recruit census workers when jobs become available.The 2020 Census is almost here! The 2020 Census provides an opportunity for everyone to be counted. Tribal, state, and local governments; community-based organizations; faith-based groups; schools; businesses; the media; and others play a key role in developing partners to educate and motivate residents to participate in the 2020 Census. When community members are informed, they are more likely to respond to the census. Through collaborative partnerships, the U.S. Census Bureau and community leaders can reach the shared goal of counting EVERYONE in 2020. The Complete Count Committees (CCC) program is key to creating awareness in communities all across the country. • CCCs utilize local knowledge, influence, and resources to educate communities and promote the census through locally based, targeted outreach efforts. • CCCs provide a vehicle for coordinating and nurturing cooperative efforts between tribal, state, and local governments; communities; and the Census Bureau. • CCCs help the Census Bureau get a complete count in 2020 through partnerships with local governments and community organizations.WHO?Tribal, state, and local governments work together with partners to form CCCs to promote and encourage response to the 2020 Census in their communities. Community-based organizations also establish CCCs that reach out to their constituents. WHAT?A CCC is comprised of a broad spectrum of government and community leaders from education, business, healthcare, and other community organizations. These trusted voices develop and implement a 2020 Census awareness campaign based upon their knowledge of the local community to encourage a response.WHEN?The formation of CCCs is happening NOW! Leaders are identifying budget resources and establishing local work plans. In 2020, they will implement the plans and lead their communities to a successful census count.WHY?The primary goal of the 2020 Census isto count everyone once, only once, and in the right place. Get Started26
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