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K:\013966-000\Admin\Docs\EAW\Record of Decision\MEMO - SAV EAW - 071519.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Anthony Village <br />Mark Casey, City Manager <br />From: Justin Messner, WSB <br />Shawn Williams, WSB <br />Date: July 15, 2019 <br />Re: Silver Lake Village Multifamily Redevelopment <br />Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) <br />WSB Project No. 13966 <br />An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) is a statutorily required document for large <br />projects that provides analysis about a project’s impacts to specific environmental, water <br />resource, transportation, and other impacts. The analysis in an EAW is used to determine if an <br />Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for a proposed project. An EIS is required for a <br />project with “potential for significant environmental effects”. An EIS provides more information <br />only about the potentially significant environmental impacts for the categories that the EAW <br />identified as potentially being significantly impacted by the project. Any categories not covered in <br />an EAW would also not be covered in an EIS. <br />An EAW or EIS is not a means to approve or disapprove a project. These documents provide <br />information to inform an approval or denial decision at a later date. Once an EAW or EIS is <br />completed, a project can proceed to the land use review process and proceed with obtaining a <br />variety of other permits needed. The information contained in an EAW or EIS can be used by <br />permitting agencies to determine the standards and restrictions that apply to the project. Each <br />permitting agency has its own authority to issue or deny permits for the project. <br />Recent large residential projects that have required an EAW include: <br />•600 Washington Avenue SE, Minneapolis <br />o 0.68 acre site <br />o 27 story multi-use building with 450 residential units <br />•Ritz Block Redevelopment, Minneapolis <br />o 2.5 acre site <br />o 728 residential unit building <br />•Kraus-Anderson Block Redevelopment, Minneapolis <br />o 2.5 acre site <br />o Mixed use <br />o 306 residential unit building, hotel, office space and event center <br />•Superior Plating Site Redevelopment, Minneapolis <br />o 5.5 acre site <br />o Mixed use <br />o 750 residential units with high rise and low rise buildings <br />•L & H Station Redevelopment, Minneapolis <br />o Mixed use <br />o 565 residential unit building <br />15