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I CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />2 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />JULY 12, 1999 <br />4 I. CALL TO ORDER. <br />5 The Commission toured Silver Point Park at 6:30 PM, and the meeting was called to order by <br />6 Chair Jindra at 7:49 PM. <br />7 II. ROLL CALL. <br />8 Present: Chair Carol Jindra, Vice Chair Doug Koehntop, Commissioners <br />9 Joanne Kosciolek, Paul Louiselle, and George Wagner. <br />10 Also Present: Representative from School Board (Kathie Wolff); Representative <br />11 from Sports Boosters (Jan Jensen). <br />12 Absent: Diana Roadfeldt, George Marks, and Jay Hartman. <br />13 III. APPROVAL OF JUNE 14,1999 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. <br />14 Motion by Koehntop, second by Louiselle to approve the minutes of the June 14, 1999 meeting <br />is as presented. <br />16 Motion carried unanimousl <br />17 IV. DISCUSS WATER TOWER PARK. <br />Jindra stated that the Commission had toured Water Tower Park that evening with Augie Wong, <br />19 BRW, Inc., and had discussed with him certain factors affecting the progress of the park. She <br />20 noted the possibility of extending the July 19 deadline for completion of the park had been <br />21 discussed, and it may be necessary to grant a one week extension. <br />22 Jindra noted the playground equipment would be arriving soon, installation for which would take <br />23 approximately 10 days. She added the posts for the equipment were being put in immediately. <br />24 Wolff stated that a request for lights at the half basketball court should be made. Jindra noted the <br />25 Commission highly recommends to the City Council the addition of such a lighting system. <br />26 Koehntop stated, with regard to plantings, the autumn blaze maple proposed along 33rd Avenue <br />27 are a hybrid of 2 types of maple, and the garden center he contacted was very pleased with them. <br />28 He added that Jay Hartman had approved this selection, although he would wait until fall to plant <br />29 the trees. The Commission expressed its agreement of the proposed plantings. <br />30 Wolff stated the shrub roses proposed around the peripheral wall are not a good choice for that <br />31 location as people will sit on the walls and may have scratches or cuts from the thorns. She <br />32 suggested another shrub might be more appropriate. <br />33 Louiselle stated the shrub roses will be aesthetically pleasing and have a nice smell, and will be <br />above the retaining wall. Jensen stated the issue is not important in his opinion. Jindra stated the <br />shrub roses are hardy and attractive, and will continue to bloom all summer. <br />