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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 1999 <br />Page 6 <br />1 Roadfeldt asked if vines could be grown on the fence. Mr. Kost said some ivy or similar vine <br />2 could be grown, but reminded the Commission that the intent of the fence was to announce the <br />3 entrance to the park. <br />4 Various discussion ensued regarding the appropriate colors for the arches. <br />5 <br />6 Motion by Koehntop, seconded by Wagner, to paint the arches into the park a green color <br />7 matching the fencing on the two outside arches, and a tan color matching the play equipment on <br />8 the center arch. <br />9 Motion carried unanimously. <br />10 Jindra clarified that repainting of the arches would be classified as a punch list item and would be <br />I 1 accomplished within the week the park is closed. Mr. Kost reminded the Commission that there <br />12 would perhaps be an additional charge by the contractor for the new paint. <br />13 VII. DISCUSS PROPOSED ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS. <br />14 Jindra suggested that the Commission take a break from the September meeting due to the <br />15 diligence of the Commission over a long period of time. Koehntop agreed that a break would be <br />3 beneficial. Wolff inquired about the possibility of issues arising during the break. Koehntop <br />17 asked if Jindra could be empowered to make necessary decisions in that event. Mr. Kost felt that <br />18 Water Tower Park issues were under control. <br />19 Motion by Koehntop, second by Louiselle, to cancel the scheduled September 1999 Parks <br />20 Commission meeting. <br />21 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />22 Jindra reminded the Commission that the next scheduled meeting would be on Monday, October <br />23 11, 1999. <br />24 Marks questioned if a representative from the Commission would be attending the City Council <br />25 meeting on August 10, 1999. Jindra stated that she would attend the City Council meeting and <br />26 would present the proposed changes to the park for consideration by the City Council. Mr. Kost <br />27 agreed to provide an estimated range of cost that would include the proposed changes. <br />28 VIII. REPORTS. <br />29 A. Community Services. <br />30 Roadfeldt stated that she had nothing to report as Community Services does not meet during the <br />31 summer. <br />�_ 32 B. School Board. <br />