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PK PACKET 03132000
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PK PACKET 03132000
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8/7/2019 9:06:25 AM
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />February 14, 2000 <br />Page 8 <br />1 representative attend a City Council meeting and request that the City explore obtaining <br />2 additional green space through Hillcrest Development's purchase of Apache Plaza. At that point, <br />3 there is the possibility that the City could speak to the developer and present the idea of <br />4 additional green space. <br />5 Hartman agreed with Thuesen and clarified that once the real estate closing has taken place, the <br />6 City would be able to inquire about the developer's plan for the entire area and determine if the <br />7 Commission's needs would fit in with those plans. <br />8 Jensen offered to draft a memorandum to present to the City Council that would request potential <br />9 park space. <br />to Gebhardt inquired if it would be beneficial to ask Mr. Severson and Ms. Schober to present their <br />11 ideas and concerns to the City Council as additional support. Jindra agreed that would be a good <br />12 idea and would provide the Council with a basis for the requests. <br />13 Thuesen stated it is an excellent idea to present ideas to the City Council, but that the community <br />14 needed to provide support for the Commission's ideas as well. <br />Jindra stated that when she had spoken to the City Council, she had made it clear that the <br />16 Commission was not wishing to raise taxes. She was hoping to be able to reach the community <br />17 with the Commission's views and position on issues; however, the City Council meeting was not <br />18 televised on cable due to technical difficulties that evening. <br />19 Hartman suggested that as the Commission progresses onto different projects, that each aspect of <br />20 the project is incorporated into a plan and that entire project is presented to the Council in one <br />21 instance. <br />22 Jindra mentioned that she had been made aware of potential grants that might be available to the <br />23 City and she questioned the possibility of having someone research grants. <br />24 Thuesen offered that exploring grant options would be an option and he would present that idea <br />25 to the City Council during his report. He suggested the possibility of hiring a grant writer, or <br />26 providing that service in house. <br />27 Zurbey mentioned the possibility that the State Representative could provide viable avenues for <br />28 grants. <br />29 Ganley stated that he would be at the State Capitol this week and would bring up that issue. <br />1 Jindra offered a brief summary of pending items: (1) Water Tower Park -- there are still issues to <br />,1 e l be completed and those issues would be addressed at the next meeting; (2) she is attending a goal <br />
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