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PK PACKET 09092002
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PK PACKET 09092002
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />August 12, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br />1 done, and that markings remain. He indicated that they were testing the irrigation on the practice <br />2 field. <br />3 <br />4 Hartman stated that he spoke to Thompson Homes who has been struggling with the groundwork <br />5 due to the rain and the inability for the land to dry -out. He indicated that once they get above <br />6 ground, which will be soon, they will really move quickly. <br />7 <br />8 Zurbey indicated that he was concerned about the drainage in Central Park, as he sees a lot of <br />9 puddles after it rains, and asked if the final grading has been done. Wong indicated that Veit <br />10 Construction has been on-site to insure proper drainage. He added that it should be the final <br />11 grade now, and, if there is water, then it will be fixed. <br />12 <br />13 Zurbey referred to the grading that was done last fall. He stated that he called Bob Kost <br />14 regarding the hill that was supposed to be eliminated outside the center fence of the practice <br />15 soccer field, as well as be included in the original contour plan for the park. He stated that the <br />16 removal of the hill has cost them an additional $15,000. <br />17 <br />18 Wong and the Commission reviewed the issue, looking up previous estimates. Hartman reviewed <br />19 the costs associated with the soccer field for the Commission which included upgrading the <br />20 quality of field, and expanding to the 195 -foot width dimension. <br />LG The Commission concluded that the improvements to the field were substantially less expensive <br />23 than the original estimate and that they were happy with the field, therefore laying the issue to <br />24 rest. <br />25 <br />26 V. REPORTS. <br />27 <br />28 A. Community Services. <br />29 Diane Skrivseth had nothing new to report. <br />30 <br />31 B. School Board. <br />32 Denise Dunn had nothing new to report. She stated that she was very happy to see Troy <br />33 Urdahl in St. Anthony, and echoed the feelings of the Commission that a lot of his efforts <br />34 and suggestions for the baseball field were just too late. <br />35 <br />36 C. Sports Boosters. <br />37 Chair Jindra asked George Zurbey to go back to the Sports Boosters and relay all that the <br />38 Parks Commission has tried to do for the athletic fields. Zurbey indicated that he felt that <br />39 the Sports Boosters were aware of the efforts made by the Parks Commission on behalf of <br />40 the athletic fields. <br />41 <br />47 VI. OTHER BUSINESS. <br />Dan Maxwell, 3504 Skycroft, was present to talk about Maplewood Extension. He indicated that <br />44 he had been before the Parks Commission several months ago and that a lot of what was <br />
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