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PK PACKET 09122005
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PK PACKET 09122005
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />June 13, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Mr. Close added that they do rely on the City to help them communicate with the neighborhood. They <br />2 like to start the process by holding a hearing. People who have taken the time to talk to us about it have <br />3 the input. They would bring alternative ideas back to the people and allow them to react to them. <br />4 Oftentimes, people will take parts of different designs and the result is a hybrid design. <br />5 <br />6 Public Works Director Hartman stated the same process of open houses that was used for Central Park <br />7 and the new Public Works Facility would be used for Emerald Park. When Central Park was being <br />8 developed, they were handing out flyers at Village Fest, and something similar would be done. He said <br />9 as far as the water feature, they are not opposed to having one, but would like to raise the bar of what is <br />10 there. He said if they were looking at a new water feature, they would look at something that would be <br />11 different from the pools. <br />12 <br />13 Vice Chair Young noted that as the park is currently constructed, there are definitely two uses. He <br />14 questioned whether that would change in future plans. Ms. Garbarini stated the vegetation is one side of <br />15 the park. She said they would consider what the major uses are. <br />16 <br />17 Mr. Close pointed out that it is limited space, and because of the location of the building, he suggested <br />18 there is an opportunity for the building to come to one side or another. This would provide more of a <br />19 flow through the park. <br />20 <br />Discussion took place of what the park was used for as far as sports. Sports Booster Representative <br />LL Severson said there has been some parking on the street. Commissioner Sholl stated the parking lot gets <br />23 filled during the hockey season. <br />24 <br />25 V. DISCUSSION OF PRESENTATION. <br />26 <br />27 Chair Koehntop stated that he will present to the Council the following night the recommendation that <br />28 Close Architects be hired to renovate Emerald Park. <br />29 <br />30 Vice Chair Young suggested to emphasize the amount of money the park brings in to help determine the <br />31 amount of renovation. <br />32 <br />33 Chair Koehntop said he would propose that Close Architects submit as broad a plan as possible. <br />34 <br />35 Commissioner Ganley questioned how this company was selected over the others. Chair Koehntop <br />36 explained there was a subcommittee that interviewed three firms. It was unanimous that Close <br />37 Architects would fit the needs of the park the best. They have the experience in the city with the <br />38 Holding Ponds and have a lot of experience in this area. It was a clear choice. <br />39 <br />40 VI. REPORTS. <br />41 <br />°9 A. Communitv Services. <br />44 None. <br />
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