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The overall annual impact of the recommended rates for a residential customer at <br />each of the five tier level is a flat increase per tier, see below: <br /> <br /> <br />*The amounts above do not include the Minnesota Department of Public Health’s Safe <br />Drinking Water fee billed and collected on behalf of the State. This fee is scheduled to <br />increase by $0.84 a quarter in 2020. This fee was last increased in 2006. <br /> <br />The Water/Sewer Utility fund summary budget is attached as Exhibit C. <br />Lastly a long range Utility revenues plan is attached as Exhibit D. The plan addressed <br />a strategic plan goal to develop long term revenue planning. The rates are being <br />managed to begin supporting capital needs of the water and sewer operations. The <br />current plan projects that support to begin in 2022 with a transfer to Utilities <br />Infrastructure fund. <br />The plan includes assumptions regarding future City costs and MCES treatment costs. It <br />also factors in the retirement of water /sewer bonds occurring in 2024. A minimum cash <br />balance was established to recognize that the quarterly billing and collection process is <br />recovering 90-120 days of prior cash outlays. No growth in accounts or usage was <br />factored in the projection. Real growth will be noted annually through the process of <br />updating the base year results. With these factors in place the phase-in of the flat fee <br />and usage rate adjustments were determined. Staff believes the model will help guide <br />year to year rate increases while being flexible enough to keep the annual increases <br />reasonable for utility customers. <br /> <br />As always your comments and suggestions are welcomed. <br /> <br /> <br />27