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CC PACKET 12102019
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CC PACKET 12102019
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Mayor Faust stated a special election is not budgeted for, it would take some time, and would be 1 <br />cumbersome in that respect. He explained the information has always been made public. 2 <br />Anyone can apply for this and as far as deciding by the incoming Council is moot point because 3 <br />there is not a vacancy until two of the current Councilmembers are gone. He indicated the new 4 <br />Councilmember will be on the decision-making process. He indicated they had thought about 5 <br />over the years asking people not to run for the seat. He thought about that several years ago and 6 <br />every time after, and felt this is not a good question to ask because who knows what the person is 7 <br />going to do two years down the road. He also explained it is not enforceable and not a legal 8 <br />question to ask someone. As far as the incumbency aspect of it, nothing on any ballot says the 9 <br />person is an incumbent. Only judges in the State of Minnesota get to state that. He stated 10 <br />everybody is open to gender diversity and he thought it speaks for itself. 11 <br /> 12 <br />Councilmember Stille stated if this discussion is delayed until January 14th and then the process 13 <br />is started, it would be well into February before an appointment would be made. During that 14 <br />time, the Council has its goal setting discussion and it is critical that a new Councilmember 15 <br />would be part of that process. Furthermore, every year there is a newly elected leaders 16 <br />conference held in January with a lot of input so to appoint someone in February and have them 17 <br />miss those to critical events would be a disservice to any new Councilmember coming in and 18 <br />also a disservice to the community. From a timing perspective, he would not support that. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Mr. Bernard Walker, Councilmember Elect, stated a lot of what was already said are some of the 21 <br />things he was going to bring up. He stated his remaining concern would be that he would not be 22 <br />a part of the interview process. He explained it would be important to him to be a part of that 23 <br />process because he represents St. Anthony residents and if he is going to be on the Council, he 24 <br />would like to have a say in who he is working with. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Mayor Faust reviewed the timeline with the audience. He indicated Mr. Walker will be involved 27 <br />in the interview and selection process in January. He noted he will remain in the discussion but 28 <br />will abstain during the motion because he will not be a part of the interview process on January 29 <br />8th. 30 <br /> 31 <br />City Manager Casey stated on January 6th Councilmember Elect Walker will take the Oath of 32 <br />Office that will be done in the City Clerk office to make sure he is sworn in and then on January 33 <br />14th there will be a public Oath of Office during the Council meeting and is ceremonial. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Mayor Faust indicated he agreed with Councilmember Stille’s comments regarding the training 36 <br />at the beginning of the year and Council goal setting discussion. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Councilmember Jenson thought the Council goal setting meeting is very important and includes 39 <br />many staff members and contractors that support the city. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Motion by Councilmember Stille, seconded by Councilmember Jenson, to accept the procedure 42 <br />for filling the City Council position as outlined in City Manager Casey’s memo dated November 43 <br />26, 2019. 44 <br /> 45 <br /> Ayes -3, Nays – 0, Abstain – 2 (Faust, Gray). Motion carried. 46 <br />5
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