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<br /> <br />Conclusion <br />“Our mission is to be a progressive and welcoming Village <br />that is walkable, sustainable and safe” <br /> <br />The Mayor, City Council and Staff will continue to closely monitor the needs of everyone in the <br />community and set goals to meet the level of services that the community desires at the most <br />affordable cost. <br /> <br />St. Anthony is a thriving and stable community. Due in large part to our-intergovernmental cooperation <br />between the City, the School District, Hennepin/Ramsey Counties, the Mississippi Watershed <br />Management Organization, the Rice Creek Watershed as well as the Police and Financial contracted <br />services provided to other governments. <br /> <br />The quarterly meetings held between the School Board and the City Council and Coffee with the <br />Council events provides a better understanding of the overall needs of the community. By partnering <br />with our local businesses, Hennepin/Ramsey Counties and the Watershed Districts help us address the <br />needs. <br /> <br />The City continues to be very active in the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Metropolitan <br />Municipalities (Metro Cities), our local Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis. <br /> <br />Undoubtedly, the responsible management of our financial resources will contribute to providing <br />strong services and infrastructure improvements to everyone in our community. Management of this <br />process is a rewarding challenge for the City Council and Staff. <br />7