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Pedestrian Safety <br />Improvements <br />CITY COUNCIL W ORKSESSION <br />MARCH 31, 2020 <br />Safe Routes to School Plan <br />The “Five Es” <br />1.Education: programs designed to teach children about traffic <br />safety, bicycle and pedestrian skills, and traffic decision making. <br />2.Encouragement: programs that make it fun for kids to walk and <br />bike. <br />3.Engineering: physical improvements to the infrastructure <br />surrounding schools that reduce speeds and potential <br />conflicts with motor vehicle traffic, and establishing safer and <br />fully accessible crossings, walkways, trails, and bikeways. <br />4.Enforcement: law enforcement strategies to improve driver <br />behavior near schools. <br />5.Evaluation: strategies to help understand program effectiveness, <br />identify improvements and ensure program sustainability.