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<br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br /> <br />To: Mayor Stille and St. Anthony Village City Council <br /> Mark Casey, City Manager <br /> <br />From: Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date: City Council Meeting – May 12, 2020 <br />NAC Project No. 323.01 – 20.02 <br />Request: Request for a Preliminary and Final Plat for Silver Lake Village 3rd Addition <br /> <br />Property Address: 3800 Silver Lake Road NE <br /> <br />Property PID: 313023340028 <br /> <br /> <br />STAFF AND PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION <br />The project consists of a subdivision of the development parcel for the Silver Lake Village multi- <br />family apartment project (currently Lot 2, Silver Lake Village) into two parcels generally <br />reflecting the two building wings of the approved project. The Plat, if approved, would create <br />Lots 1 and 2 of the Silver Lake Village 3rd Addition. The boundaries of the Salo Pond site, legally <br />Outlot B of Silver Lake Village, are not proposed to change, and the legal description will remain <br />as a part of the original plat. Thus, while Salo Pond was a component of the PUD amendment, it <br />is not included in the proposed replat. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission considered the item(s) at a public hearing held on April 21, 2020. <br />Primary discussion related to ensuring that the plat and subdivision would not impact the terms <br />or expectations of the approved PUD that governs the development of the two-phase <br />apartment project. During that discussion, it was confirmed by the developer that the purpose <br />of the subdivision is for financing purposes. Staff noted that the terms of the approved PUD <br />zoning and development agreement continue to control development of the site, and the <br />subdivision – even if one of the lots were to be conveyed to a separate party – would not <br />impact the City’s enforcement of the PUD requirements. <br /> <br />Staff has reviewed the project for land use compliance with the intent and policies of the City’s <br />Comprehensive Plan, and for zoning consistency with the Silver Lake Village PUD as a baseline. <br />In summary, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the terms and requirements of the <br />approved PUD Amendment, adopted by the City Council in December of 2019. <br /> <br />17