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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION <br />Meeting Date: June 9, 2020 <br />Reducing Speed Limit of City Streets to 25 mph – Second Reading <br />OVERVIEW: <br />At the May 4, 2020 City Council Work Session, City Engineer Justin Messner reviewed the attached <br />memo. By consensus of the mayor and council, Option 1, Consider changing to 25 mph, was <br />recommended for further action at an upcoming City Council meeting. At the May 26, 2020 City <br />Council meeting, City Engineer Messner presented the attached information. <br />In regards to changing speed limits, city of St. Anthony City Code refers to State of Minnesota State <br />Statute as stated below: <br />City of St. Anthony City Code section § 70.02 STATE LAW. <br />The regulatory provisions of M.S. Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, are hereby <br />incorporated into this title by reference and will control the use of roadways and, unless obviously <br />inapplicable, semi-public property, located within the city. <br />(1993 Code, § 900.02) <br />As stated in the attached April 24, 2020 City Engineer’s memo, Minnesota Statutes, Section 169.14 as <br />revised in 2019, the City of St. Anthony Village now has the authority to adopt a reduced speed limit <br />of 25 mph on residential roadways under City jurisdiction. The pertinent language of this statue is: <br />•Subd. 2(a)(7) 25 miles per hour in residential roadways if adopted by the road authority having <br />jurisdiction over the residential roadway; and <br />•Subd. 2(b) A speed limit adopted under paragraph (a), clause (7), is not effective unless the <br />road authority has erected signs designating the speed limit and indicating the beginning and <br />end of the residential roadway on which the speed limit applies. <br />Traditionally, when we amend the City Code, the City Council has a reading of the proposed changes <br />at three consecutive City Council meetings and the amendment become official after being published <br />in the designated official newspaper. Even though the City Code is not being amended, staff <br />recommends following the same process with the May 26, 2020 City Council meeting served as the <br />first reading. <br />There has been no letters or calls since the first reading. <br />Attachments: April 24, 2020 St. Anthony Village Speed Limit Revisions memo <br />25 mph Streets and Proposed Signage exhibit <br />21