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G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\St. Anthony\City Engineer\MEMO-City Wide Speed Limits-042420.docx178 E 9TH STREET | SUITE 200 | SAINT PAUL, MN | 55101 | 651.286.8450 | WSBENG.COMMemorandum <br />To: Mayor and City Council, City of St. Anthony Village <br />Mark Casey, City of St. Anthony Village <br />From: Justin Messner, PE <br />Date: April 24, 2020 <br />Re: St. Anthony Village Speed Limit Revisions <br />WSB Project No. 013266-000 <br />In May 2019, Minnesota State Legislature passed a bill granting cities the authority to adopt a <br />reduced speed limit of 25 mph on residential roadways under their jurisdiction. Additionally, the <br />bill grants cities the authority to further reduce speed limits below 25 mph on roadways under <br />their jurisdiction provided the city complete a detail technical evaluation per the procedures <br />detailed in the state statue. County and state roads are not included in this authority. This went <br />into effect August 1, 2019. <br />The current speed limit on most streets owned by St. Anthony Village is 30 mph which was the <br />statutory urban speed limit set by the Minnesota State Legislature prior to August 1, 2019. <br />Lower speed limits are in line with national trends toward lower urban speed limits to support <br />safety. Recently the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul announced they are lowering speed limits <br />to 20 mph on residential roadways and 25 mph for larger collector and arterial roadways, stating <br />“Slower speeds on our streets make travel safer for everyone no matter how they get around. <br />Lower traffic speeds also reduce the likelihood of a crash and make a crash less likely to lead to <br />death or a life-changing injury. A person hit at 35 mph is three times as likely to die as someone <br />hit at 25 mph”. <br />City Staff recognize that vehicle speed and pedestrian safety are high priorities for the St. <br />Anthony Village City Council and residents and therefor we are providing the following options for <br />discussion at the upcoming May 4, 2020 Council Worksession. <br />Option 1, Consider changing to 25 mph <br />As mentioned above, Minnesota Statutes, Section 169.14 as revised in 2019, the City of St. <br />Anthony Village now has the authority to adopt a reduced speed limit of 25 mph on residential <br />roadways under City jurisdiction. <br />The pertinent language of this statue is: <br />Subd. 2(a)(7) 25 miles per hour in residential roadways if adopted by the road authority <br />having jurisdiction over the residential roadway; and <br />Subd. 2(b) A speed limit adopted under paragraph (a), clause (7), is not effective unless <br />the road authority has erected signs designating the speed limit and indicating the <br />beginning and end of the residential roadway on which the speed limit applies. <br />23