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2 <br />underground parking was maximized. We are excavating the whole building footprint to add <br />maximum underground parking to remove as much surface parking on the west side as possible. This <br />is not generally necessary, but the unique needs of this property and neighbors require us to do so. <br />Furthermore, per suggestions of the neighbors, we are building more circulation on the property for <br />cars to have another convenient option of exiting on Kenzie rather than Stinson. <br /> <br />2. Re-route of sanitary sewer – We have discussed this with Ehlers and it is included in their memo. <br /> <br />3. We made a commitment to the city of Minneapolis Parks Board that walks at the Island within Stinson <br />will be upgraded to Park Board standards. This is part of the Historic Horace Cleveland design of the <br />Grand Rounds. We are validating with Ehlers if this is included in the $96k in their memo. <br /> <br />4. Deliveries and staff parking will be at the back of the building and accessed off of Kenzie. This access <br />point is a part of our option with the seller and came at a price based on our limitation to access the <br />site on Stinson (e.g. large trucks cannot enter Stinson access point). This road comes at a high cost, but <br />it keeps staff, deliveries, move in, move out-from clogging up the neighborhood. <br /> <br />5. This same delivery route can be for future developments into Bremer Bank & East site as the county <br />wants to significantly limit access to Kenzie Terrace. This development wants to be a part of the <br />solution, but it will cost dollars to do so. <br /> <br />6. Water Service may need to be placed on the southside of the alley and an easement given to city. The <br />alley is currently filled with utilities making this difficult. This could be strategic as it would help city <br />for future development and even neighbor use on the north side of Alley. They may pay for the <br />upsizing of the line for 12” to 18”. Upsizing and taking land for easement should be a part of TIF size. <br /> <br />7. Stormwater retention will have to be under the parking lot. Future run off issues from storm water <br />should be addressed in how the project builds its storm water retention and prevents future flooding <br />of the neighbors just to the north which happens from time to time currently. Covering the costs of <br />solving this problem for the long term to prevent future run off issues would be a part of the TIF size <br />we request. <br /> <br />8. Northwest corner of the site has a significant and irregular grade change, coupling this with the fact <br />that it is on the Horace Cleveland Grand Rounds the retaining wall will protect the pedestrian <br />pathways. This cannot be a cheap modular retaining wall. We plan to build this with boulders to fit <br />into the aesthetic of the Horace Cleveland Plan <br /> <br />9. We plan to use native landscaping on entire site because it uses less water and has a deeper root <br />structure that absorbs more rainwater. Also fit into the aesthetic of the Horace Cleveland Plan <br /> <br /> <br />10. Land – The land is blighted and comes with a high price tag, but it is not an all or nothing proposition. <br />The seller is pricing the property based on 160 units and adding a high cost for access from Kenzie. <br />The development is continuing to negotiate with the seller as changes are made. We modified to 125 <br />units and plan on signing an amended option with a lower purchase price. Additionally, without a fair <br />market land price the project, considering all the unique characteristics of the property, is a no go. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />