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CC PACKET 07142020
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CC PACKET 07142020
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 23, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />A. Resolution 20-054; a Resolution Approving First Amendment to Contract for Private 1 <br />Redevelopment between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. Anthony, the 2 <br />City of St. Anthony, and Doran SLV, LLC. 3 <br /> 4 <br />Mr. Keith Dahl, Ehlers & Associates made a presentation. 5 <br /> 6 <br />Councilmember Randle asked what guarantee the City has that Doran will follow through with 7 <br />Phase II if this is pushed back with the TIF note all up front. He also wondered what securities 8 <br />the City would have. Mr. Dahl explained the securities the City has is in the first amendment 9 <br />and the TIF note will be reduced. The HRA is responsible for providing the assistance. The City 10 <br />and the Antiquary are collecting the increment that is being generated from these properties and 11 <br />paying ninety percent of the available tax increment that is collected to the developer. The 12 <br />guarantee is that should Phase II not commence, the TIF note is going to be reduced by the 13 <br />amount originally agreed to be provided to Phase II. It would be reduced by $1.35 million and 14 <br />would revert back to the original agreed upon TIF note size for Phase I, which was $1.95 million. 15 <br />There is that provision in the first amendment but then the City and HRA also retain the ability to 16 <br />stop making payments should Phase II not commence. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Councilmember Webster indicated in part C there is verbiage that talks about the HRA would 19 <br />allow the developer to sign the TIF note to an affiliate or Kelly J. Doran without approval and 20 <br />she asked for an example of where that has happened in the past and what it might look like. Mr. 21 <br />Dahl stated developers like to have several companies to hold on to a specific property. This is 22 <br />pretty standard with most development projects across the Twin Cities. A developer will build it 23 <br />under one name and then transfer it to a new entity under a different name but still affiliated all 24 <br />with the same developer. This is done for tax purposes and liability sake. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Councilmember Jenson asked Mr. Dahl if he saw any risk in this proposal from a city standpoint. 27 <br />Mr. Dahl indicated he did not because precautions were built in to ensure that Phase II will be 28 <br />constructed and if it is not constructed it will be reverted back to the same agreed upon size of 29 <br />the TIF note for Phase I. 30 <br /> 31 <br />City M anager Casey explained the City Attorney has also had the opportunity to review this and 32 <br />they coincided with everything that Mr. Dahl and Ehlers has presented in regard to any risks the 33 <br />City would have, and the securities provided. Also, for Phase II since there is both a contract 34 <br />and an agreement, if there was any material change in what was presented for the Final PUD, 35 <br />that would come back to the Council for any kind of approvals. What was presented is what 36 <br />staff is anticipating being built. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Mayor Stille indicated the TIF Note amount is not changing by any means and the term of the 39 <br />notes are also not changing but being consolidated into one. Mr. Dahl indicated that was correct. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Mayor Stille noted in the marketplace they have seen a lot of changes to contracts such as this, 42 <br />not only cities but banks. In this case he really thought that the developers and the City’s 43 <br />interests are mutually aligned. 44 <br /> 45 <br />2
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