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CC MINUTES 06232020
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06232020
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 23, 2020 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Motion by Councilmember Jenson, seconded by Councilmember Randle, to approve Resolution <br />2 20-054; a Resolution Approving First Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelopment <br />3 between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. Anthony, the City of St. Anthony, and <br />4 Doran SLV, LLC. <br />5 <br />6 Motion carried 5-0. <br />7 <br />8 B. Presentation of 2019 Audit <br />9 <br />10 Mr. Andy Hering, Redpath made a presentation to the City Council on the 2019 City Audit. <br />11 <br />12 Councilmember Jenson complimented Shelly Rueckert in the Finance Department with the <br />13 integrity they have in compiling and performing all of the financial transactions for the City. As <br />14 a resident he really appreciated the effort that her team puts forth to serve the residents. He also <br />15 thanked Redpath for performing such a thorough audit. <br />16 <br />17 Mayor Stille explained Redpath is working for the Council and it is their charge to make sure <br />18 that these books are in order. The Council cannot do that alone in their role so Redpath reports <br />19 to the Council and the reason why some of the language looks the way it does. The fact that <br />20 there are no findings is outstanding and the Council is glad that there are none. He thought that <br />21 is a testimony to Shelly Rueckert and the Council has a lot of confidence in her. <br />22 <br />23 Mayor Stille indicated he also wanted to talk about the state of affairs in the City. He considers <br />24 the audit as one component, but the audit just tells them that things are operating nicely, and the <br />25 numbers add up. He stated this is a two -prong approach because the City has a bond rating that <br />26 also occurs every time there is a bond issue and that rating has been an AA for many years which <br />27 tells them of the City's financial health. Between these two he thought the community could get <br />28 a good sense of the financial soundness of the City and where its money goes. <br />29 <br />30 Mayor Stille stated on the working capital slide the City has a minimum of thirty percent of the <br />31 budget and after adjustments that amounts to two million dollars. The City has close to $2.5 <br />32 million and the measurements for that is done at December 31St of every year but what needs to <br />33 be realized is that the City only gets paid in July and December so the measurement is taken at <br />34 its high point and the City has to rely on that cash to pay bills between January through June. <br />35 That is the reason why the City needs to be steadfast and make sure it has enough cash to pay the <br />36 bills. <br />37 <br />38 Mayor Stille reviewed the water and sewer fund and noted the graph is showing the City is <br />39 collecting enough funds to pay for all of the expenses. He noted the water fund is not covering <br />40 all of its expenses and the City is trying to get people to use less water so in some ways the graph <br />41 can be looked at as sustainability where the City is doing a good job but will need to find ways to <br />42 make this fund balance and possibly raise fees to cover the expenses. <br />43 <br />44 Mayor Stille indicated the City does a street project every year with bond financing which are <br />45 rated, and that debt accumulates. In 2011 the debt was close to $36 million and that was spread <br />46 out over 15 years and amortize it, so the City is then able to pay for its street projects and keep <br />
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