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CC PACKET 08252020
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CC PACKET 08252020
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 11, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Councilmember Walker noted there have been Juneteenth festivals in the Twin Cities in June. 1 <br />Councilmember Randle asked if there was anyone paying attention to what is currently going on 2 <br />in Minneapolis at this point. Is that a model that they want to model themselves after. Ms. 3 <br />Solomon indicated she did have a rally which was more than 250 people and to her knowledge, if 4 <br />a case had been out, she was not made aware of it and the City was not put to some sort of 5 <br />insurance standard. She thought a festival was a lot safer than a rally. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Councilmember Walker expressed his concern, along with the Mayor’s in regard to the capacity, 8 <br />he wondered with 200 plus people, will there be staff on site who would keep track of how many 9 <br />people enter the grounds for the festival. He also wanted to know what happens when the 250 10 <br />maximum is reached, would people be turned away and have them come back later. Ms. 11 <br />Solomon explained in a perfect world, no one would be turned down but if that ends up reaching 12 <br />to a point where they cannot safely have a certain number of people there then they will kindly 13 <br />turn people away. She noted there will be legal observers and Marshalls that will be there 14 <br />observing to make sure the scene is safe. She will also have specific people counting the number 15 <br />of people there. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Councilmember Webster appreciated Ms. Solomon sharing all of her planning with the Council. 18 <br />Ms. Solomon indicated she could send the Council a list of vendors with contact information if 19 <br />needed as well. 20 <br /> 21 <br />Mayor Stille asked Ms. Solomon to expand on what the Marshalls will be doing. Ms. Solomon 22 <br />explained Marshalls are trained to be within the crowd in case something was to happen, worst 23 <br />case scenario, which she did not think would happen in St. Anthony. These are people that have 24 <br />been training to de-escalate situations if that were to happen. Mayor Stille asked if the Marshalls 25 <br />were armed. Ms. Solomon indicated they were not. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Councilmember Walker asked if the St. Anthony Police Department has been notified of this 28 <br />event and has Ms. Solomon as been in any conversations with the Police Department to request 29 <br />potential assistance. Ms. Solomon indicated the Police has been notified and she has talked to 30 <br />Chief Mangseth personally and he is aware of the festival and appreciates knowing ahead of 31 <br />time. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Councilmember Walker indicated Ms. Solomon could reach out to any Councilmember or the 34 <br />City Manager or other personnel for feedback or assistance. Ms. Solomon indicated she 35 <br />appreciated that and would do that. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Ms. Julianne Hunter explained as much as she likes festivals and wished someone would put one 38 <br />together every weekend what Mr. Casey said about the insurance is not correct. She indicated 39 <br />they do not have insurance on VillageFest just because there is beer. There is insurance because 40 <br />if something happens then they are insured. If they are not insured and the City has allowed 41 <br />them to have it on City grounds, the City is liable for what happens. She noted the vendors are 42 <br />required to have insurance and they have to name the City. She explained this had to be done 43 <br />even before they had beer at the festival. She stated that beer is a major issue and is why the 44 <br />insurance is more but they definitely still have to have insurance regardless, or at least that is her 45 <br />understanding and if she is wrong, they have still had it for as many years that she has been chair 46 <br />4
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