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CC PACKET 08252020
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CC PACKET 08252020
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 11, 2020 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Ms. Julianne Hunter thought Ms. Solomon could partner with VillageFest because they are a 2 <br />501C3 Organization and have insurance that can cover the City. If it does not work for this 3 <br />weekend because of the insurance than maybe it could be rescheduled for another weekend. Ms. 4 <br />Solomon explained if this does not get approved today then the event would not be able to 5 <br />happen until the next Council meeting. Mr. Casey indicated that was correct unless the Council 6 <br />so wishes to work with VillageFest at acceptable minimal levels than the Council could give 7 <br />someone on staff the authority to move forward with it if it meets the minimal levels. 8 <br /> 9 <br />Ms. Solomon explained she was not told that she needed insurance when she proposed this to the 10 <br />City so she did not feel that insurance should be required. Councilmember Randle explained he 11 <br />understood where Ms. Solomon is coming from but at the same point, this was pointed out to 12 <br />him that this festival was being advertised in the newspaper before it even came before the City 13 <br />Council for approval. It was apparent that someone knew what was going on and it was apparent 14 <br />that someone knew what their intentions was. He was not saying it was Ms. Solomon but 15 <br />someone was aware that this was going to happen because it was in the paper before it even 16 <br />came before the Council. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Councilmember Walker stated the point made from Councilmember Randle is that any approval 19 <br />by the Council should have taken place a month ago, pending these kinds of scenarios where Ms. 20 <br />Solomon would not be caught in the middle. Councilmember Randle agreed. Mr. Casey 21 <br />indicated he would take full responsibility for not informing Ms. Solomon about the need for 22 <br />insurance. The request came forward last week. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Motion by Councilmember Webster, seconded by Councilmember Walker, to approve the 25 <br />request of the use of upper Central Park Parking Lot by Black Village Festival on Saturday, 26 <br />August 15, 2020 with the understanding that there will be cooperation with the VillageFest 27 <br />Organization for potential insurance coverage and attempts to receive insurance certificates from 28 <br />all of the vendors. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Councilmember Randle stated as things stand right now, he cannot approve this during the 31 <br />middle of a pandemic. In his opinion it is reckless and irresponsible at this particular point in 32 <br />time because the City is not having VillageFest right now and there are not any other festivals 33 <br />going on right now and in case anyone is paying attention to what is going on in the community, 34 <br />COVID-19 has been rising in the community and is the reason why he is home and not in the 35 <br />Council Chambers. He indicated he disagrees with this. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Councilmember Walker explained he is hearing what Councilmember Randle is saying but the 38 <br />City is not hosting the festival. He thought the point is well taken. Councilmember Randle 39 <br />indicated the City is still responsible and liable for this, which is his point. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Mayor Stille indicated his expectations are in adherence with the Minnesota Department of 42 <br />Health Guidelines with regard to social events, and it should all be in the motion as well which 43 <br />means there is a preparation plan and it talks about masks and face coverings and managing 44 <br />occupancy which is 250 or less. These guidelines are here for a reason and he thought the City 45 <br />can take this time to reiterate that these are their expectations here and that the guidelines are 46 <br />6
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