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CC PACKET 10272020
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CC PACKET 10272020
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10/22/2020 5:53:48 PM
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10/22/2020 5:51:13 PM
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October 27, 2020 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />remaining land to develop. Capping the project at 40 units per acre would result in a <br />unit count of 34 units. As such, the increase proposed by the applicants is a total of 4 <br />units over the cap. Averaging this unit count over the larger district would result in an <br />insignificant impact to the PUD density. <br /> <br />Affordable Housing. The housing aspect of the project potentially raises the issue of <br />affordability. The City’s Comprehensive Plan identifies several aspects of affordability <br />and density. The Plan notes that for existing housing stock, St. Anthony Village provides <br />a greater ratio of affordable housing, a greater ratio of rental housing, and a greater <br />ratio of multiple family housing that the metropolitan area in general. This is also true <br />for most aspects of affordability when compared to nearby suburban communities. <br /> <br />With regard to planned housing and affordability, the Metropolitan Council assigned (as <br />a part of the 2040 Plan Update process) an allocation for 152 additional “affordable” <br />units to St. Anthony for the 2021-2030 decade. The Plan accommodates this allocation <br />with land designated for affordable residential development of more than 460 units. <br /> <br />The proposed apartment project serves to implement the City’s Land Use Plan which <br />directs high density residential uses upon the subject site. In this regard, the project <br />provides a potential “opportunity” for additional affordable housing units in the City. <br />Moreover, it is worthwhile noting that this supply of affordable units would be provided <br />without need for public subsidy. <br /> <br />However, as noted by some members of the Planning Commission, a concern exists over <br />the means to ensure affordability in this project. At issue is whether the City wishes to <br />include a PUD provision that requires affordability. Such a clause would require a <br />means to report (by the owner) and monitor (by the City), and perhaps, a remedy. This <br />condition is identified in the list of conditions as an option for Council consideration as <br />Condition Number 14. <br /> <br />Land Use Compatibility. In consideration of the proposed apartment building project, a <br />determination should be made that the proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses. <br /> <br />The subject site is bordered by multi-family housing to the northeast, east and west, and by <br />a commercial uses to the south and north: restaurant to the south, car wash and vacant <br />retail center to the north. With this in mind, the proposed multi-family housing project will <br />be contiguous to similar uses and therefore is considered generally compatible with <br />surrounding uses (and not an isolated use). <br /> <br />Site Access. Access to the subject site is to be provided from the north via 38th Avenue NE <br />and from the west via Stinson Boulevard. Appropriately, both access points are located a <br />significant distance form the Stinson Boulevard/38th Avenue NE intersection such that <br />stacked vehicles at the intersection will not negatively impact site entry and exit maneuvers. <br /> <br />37
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