Fiscal Year 2021ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EST. ACTUAL BUDGET2016 2017 2018 2019 202020202021TAXES 101‐3101‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ CURRENT HENNEPIN/RAMSEY 3,342,377$ 3,546,540$ 3,948,658$ 4,275,305$ 4,479,593$ 4,255,613$ 4,659,557$ Deferred tax collections of 5% estimated for 2020 101‐3102‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ DELINQUENT(7,486) (5,053) 24,954 (18,387) 2,250 2,250 2,250 Based on current run rate101‐3103‐0‐0‐02 TAX ‐ MOBILE HOME/NON‐LEVY11,797 ‐ 5,414 5,033 4,050 4,050 4,050 Based on current run rate101‐3105‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ TIF189,391 245,142 257,772 286,087 280,386 240,000 216,500 Based on 2021 estimated actual per discussion with county TOTAL 3,536,079$ 3,786,628$ 4,236,798$ 4,548,038$ 4,766,279$ 4,501,913$ 4,882,357$ LICENSES 101‐3210‐1‐1‐01 LICENSE ON SALE INTOXICATING 32,800$ 24,600$ 16,400$ 16,719$ 24,600$ 16,400$ 16,400$ Based on current License count101‐3210‐1‐1‐02 LIQUOR INVST /COMPLIANCE 500 ‐ 500 1,000 500 1,000 500 Based on current License count101‐3210‐1‐1‐03 LICENSE WINE & BEER 4,313 6,500 6,375 5,125 5,125 3,000 3,000 Based on current License count101‐3210‐1‐1‐04 LICENSE BEER 3.2%550 550 550 300 550 200 200 Based on current License count101‐3211‐1‐1‐01 LICENSE RENTAL SF15,950 14,350 14,450 14,450 14,150 15,700 14,150 Based on Est. current License count trend101‐3211‐1‐1‐02 LICENSE RENTAL MULTI FAMILY16,990 19,870 16,990 16,990 16,990 17,190 16,990 Based on current License count101‐3212‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE CIGARETTE SALES2,100 2,100 2,100 2,400 2,400 2,100 2,100 Based on current License count101‐3213‐1‐2‐00 LICENSE DOG404 20 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Dog License requirement retired in 2017101‐3214‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE SERVICE STATION1,560 1,560 1,560 2,100 1,560 1,590 1,560 Based on current License count for active stations101‐3215‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE OTHER560 1,250 460 430 600 430 430 Based on current License count101‐3216‐1‐2‐00 LICENSE FIREWORKS 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Based on current License count101‐3218‐1‐1‐00LICENSE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4,375 4,855 4,385 4,715 4,250 3,850 3,500 License count varies based on construction activity101‐3219‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE HAULERS1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 3 Commercial / 4 Residential Haulers TOTAL 81,552$ 77,105$ 65,220$ 65,679$ 72,175$ 62,910$ 60,280$ PERMITS101‐3220‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS LAND USE 1,000$ 6,300$ 7,000$ 5,650$ 3,000$ 8,960$ 3,000$ Conservative Est of run rate101‐3221‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS BUILDING 119,942 123,570 104,862 92,355 86,675 122,017 99,175 Conservative Est of run rate 2020 actual includes $36,353 in Doran permits101‐3221‐1‐1‐01 PERMITS PLAN CHECK45,895 61,278 50,422 33,048 37,919 48,380 42,919 Conservative Est of run rate 2020 actual includes $23,629 in Doran permits101‐3222‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS GAS, HVAC12,646 36,501 20,376 15,012 16,805 9,427 16,805 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3223‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS PLUMBING10,831 12,724 11,143 9,305 9,240 8,853 9,240 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3224‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ELECTRICAL 15,078 16,947 18,797 21,315 14,214 18,414 14,214 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3225‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ADMIN FEES 9,130 11,245 9,968 11,295 8,169 11,201 8,169 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3228‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ALARM 5,300 5,700 3,454 2,760 3,250 2,995 2,800 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3229‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS 2,705 6,860 4,710 12,145 4,250 4,035 4,000 Sign permits ROW permitsTOTAL 222,527$ 281,125$ 230,732$ 202,884$ 183,521$ 234,282$ 200,321$ INTERGOVERNMENTAL 101‐3310‐2‐3‐00 FEDERAL GRANTS 4,841 6,092 471 2,036 3,500 689,176 3,500 Includes State vest reimbursement as well101‐3320‐2‐2‐01 ISD 282‐ DARE PROGRAM 15,462 14,500 14,500 14,500 14,500 14,500 14,500 Fixed School reimbursement 101‐3330‐0‐0‐00 MVHC/LGA 523,010 528,225 552,240 553,865 609,553 609,553 640,386 Based on 2021 LGA ‐ additional funding101‐3340‐0‐0‐00 STATE AID‐ PERA INCREASE 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 7,197 Fixed amount of aid101‐3342‐2‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ FIRE RELIEF50,174 53,206 53,083 53,716 53,715 ‐ ‐ FIRE RELEF PART OF STATE PLAN NO PASS THOUGH OF AID 101‐3346‐2‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ POLICE197,374 207,448 206,192 197,500 194,192 205,476 198,076 2021 based on 2020 budget plus 2%101‐3348‐3‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ MSA MAINTENANCE 89,905 88,708 97,275 96,265 96,265 103,441 99,302 2021 Based on 96% 2020 State Aid 101‐3350‐2‐2‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ FIRE (DISABILITY & ED) 13,024 37,419 19,696 11,552 12,500 10,500 10,500 2021 Based on actual 2020 Grants 101‐3360‐2‐2‐00LOCAL GRANTS‐ POLICE33,575 35,658 41,623 52,625 38,426 39,332 42,000 Safe and sober program101‐3365‐1‐1‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ MISCELLANEOUS(97) 78 ‐ ‐ 250 1,000 250 2020 Census grant101‐3370‐2‐2‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ PW6,540 ‐ 68 4,432 14,625 ‐ 5,000 Opportunity operating grants TOTAL 941,005$ 978,532$ 992,347$ 993,689$ 1,044,723$ 1,680,175$ 1,020,711$ 101‐3380‐1‐1‐03 CS MWMO94,881$ 94,851$ 102,148$ 109,612$ 112,247$ 114,000$ 116,204$ 2021 based on est increase in 2020 billing rate101‐3380‐1‐1‐04 CS BIRCHWOOD7,531 7,894 7,789 11,492 8,399 8,142 8,567 Based on current level of contract services and rate increase101‐3380‐1‐2‐07CS ISD 2825,741 10,366 11,965 13,981 14,126 7,800 12,854 Based on current level of contract services101‐3380‐2‐1‐08 CS PD OTHER REIMB OT‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10,000 ‐ 10,000 Other reimbursed OT101‐3380‐3‐1‐05 CS HENNEPIN 28,493 31,312 31,756 33,464 33,966 39,532 35,579 Estimated @90% 2020 Actual101‐3380‐3‐1‐06 CS NEW BRIGHTON FUEL70,491 78,374 90,678 79,493 87,795 68,357 7,500 NEW BRIGHTON PW EXPANSION INCLUDED FUELING STATION FEB 2021101‐3380‐5‐1‐01 CS LAUDERDALE 653,026 672,590 692,768 713,204 747,071 747,071 773,218 Based on 2021 Police contract draft proposal CHARGES FOR SERVICESGENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL22