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MEMORANDUM <br /> To: Mayor Stille and St. Anthony Village City Council <br /> <br />From: Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br /> <br />Date: City Council Regular Meeting for January 26, 2020 <br /> <br />NAC File No: 323.01 – 20.21 <br />Request: Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash facility for <br />Boulevard Autoworks at 2701 Kenzie Terrace. <br /> <br />STAFF and PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br />The applicant is proposing to construct a new car wash facility at 2701 Kenzie Terrace. The facility <br />requires a conditional use permit, and would replace the existing parking lot on the site. <br />Based on a review of the application, Planning Staff recommends approval of the CUP request, with <br />conditions related to compliance with code requirements applicable to the impacts of the proposed use. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the application at a public hearing on December 15, 2020. Several <br />members of the public provided written and oral comments, expressing concerns related to noise, <br />lights, odors, and general compatibility with the neighborhood, with the potential to disrupt quality of <br />life and diminish property values. The applicant expressed an interest in mitigating those concerns, and <br />agreed to the required conditions recommended by staff. <br />After the hearing, Commission discussed the item extensively, ultimately passing a motion to <br />recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on the findings in the proposed resolution <br />and with the conditions recommended in the staff report, as well as one additional condition limiting <br />hours of operation to 7:00a.m. to 10:00p.m. The applicant had indicated that his proposed hours of <br />operation would be 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. With those conditions, the Planning Commission vote was 7 in <br />favor, 0 against. <br />As you are aware, the Council referred action on this item back to the Planning Commission to finalize <br />and clarify its recommendation. The Commission met on January 19 and took up the item, with the 11 <br />conditions that were incorporated into the motion at their prior meeting. Staff had included the many <br />written submitted comments from neighbors of the property in the Commission’s packet, but the <br />hearing had been closed on December 15, and no public verbal comment was taken. <br />The Commission members brought the item to the table, and discussed it briefly. Comments from <br />Commissioners predominantly related to their satisfaction that they had reviewed the subject <br />thoroughly at their previous meeting, and did not believe it needed significant further review. <br />With that, Commissioners asked for a vote on the full staff recommendation together with the 11 <br />conditions, including the hours of operation condition that they had previously approved. That motion <br />passed 4 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention due to that Commissioner not being a member at the time <br />of the prior discussion. <br />This action brings the item back to the City Council with a Planning Commission recommendation of <br />approval of the CUP, with the attendant 11 conditions. <br />29