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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />directly on the other side of a narrow alley are people’s backyard that go all the way up to the 1 <br />alley. She explained even though the flood lights at the Kenzington is not a part of this, she has 2 <br />had to install light filtering blinds on her windows and also even though the plans state that the 3 <br />lights from the car wash will face down she did not feel significant mitigation of the concerns 4 <br />that residents have brought up. She stated her biggest issue is that Mr. Archambault has brushed 5 <br />off all of the residents concerns as unreasonable or inaccurate or not necessitating further study. 6 <br />As an engineer she would never get away with making a decision like this with lack of actual 7 <br />data pertaining to this specific site. She encouraged the Council to reject this proposal due to the 8 <br />lack of due diligence. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Mr. Grittman reviewed the applicant submitted photometric plan. He indicated staff made some 11 <br />recommendations related to lowering the height of the parking lot light poles and making sure all 12 <br />lights are downcast and hooded to make sure there is no glare onto adjoining properties. One of 13 <br />the requirements is that staff would need to verify that the photometric is showing zero-foot 14 <br />candles at the residential property lines. 15 <br /> 16 <br />Mr. John Laduka, 2601 Kenzie Terrace, stated many of the residents have already expressed 17 <br />many of his concerns. He thought there needs to be a professional noise study done and not just 18 <br />word taken from the applicant. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Mr. John Kufus, 2712 27th Avenue NE, stated he is one of the property owners that will directly 21 <br />be affected by the above proposal and he wished to strongly disagree with the Planning 22 <br />Commission’s decision to approve a CUP to Boulevard Auto Works for construction of a car 23 <br />wash. He explained his property abuts the alley there with one house in between him and 24 <br />Boulevard Auto Works. He assumed his backyard will be directly opposite the exit doors for the 25 <br />car wash, therefore, his concerns are principally noise due to dryer blower motors, vacuum 26 <br />cleaners, idling cars, car radios, traffic congestion along Kenzie Terrace and he would like 27 <br />someone to address the possibility that the alley could be blocked along Kenzie Terrace if there 28 <br />are a number of cars waiting to enter the car wash. He was also concerned about decreased 29 <br />property values. 30 <br /> 31 <br />Mr. Grittman explained the City Engineer has been in contact with Hennepin County 32 <br />Transportation who is responsible for Kenzie Terrace and they are currently examining traffic on 33 <br />Kenzie Terrace on a larger scale, not just this property, but on a larger scale. It is staff’s opinion 34 <br />that the stacking available on this site is far in excess of what would typically be seen or be 35 <br />required for a typical facility of this type and there is not expectation of having traffic backing all 36 <br />the way out onto Kenzie Terrace. There is a lot of onsite driveway to stack the vehicles. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Mayor Stille indicated the City Engineer has been in discussions with Hennepin County about 39 <br />Kenzie Terrace because the road is over capacity so the City is seeing if the road could be given 40 <br />more room for walkability and more aesthetically pleasing features. 41 <br /> 42 <br />Mr. Tim Keane stated he is a land use attorney representing both property owners and 43 <br />municipalities throughout the Metro area. He stated he is currently representing multiple 44 <br />residents of the Kenzington Condominiums and the focus of this discussion is on the criteria for 45 <br />granting the Conditional Use Permit and particularly finding three. Principles of land use 46 <br />9