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2020 Requests to Parks & Environmental Commission 2040 Comp Plan Goal/Action Requests to Commission How CFS Can Assist Grow a robust urban tree canopy 1. Expand tree plantings in parks and other public spaces 2. Promote residential tree planting of resilient species (e.g. Arbor Day event, tree offering, tree workshop) 3. Evaluate city tree planting policies for solar access considerations Find resources to use in promoting tree planting Assist businesses in applying for grants Engage tree stewards to assist with messaging and planting Research neighboring ordinances Provide climate related resources Improve safety and connectivity of city’s bike and ped infrastructure 4. Invite Dan Miller (Mpls Bike Advisory Committee) to March PEC 5. Engage Mpls. Park Board to advocate for a bike path next to the golf course 6. Engage Hennepin County to plan safer access to trail on County Road C 7. Engage Hennepin County to plan bike connections via Stinson Boulevard 8. Engage Ramsey County to reduce traffic lanes on 37th St. 9. Participate in regional Bike and Pedestrian planning entities 10. Select 1 street to paint Bike Boulevard striping and study its usage 11. Install a walking path in Trillium Park that connects to Silver Point Park Invite Dan Miller to P&E Commission meeting Plan walk‐about or bike ride for P&E Commission and City Council to experience infrastructure challenges Evaluate potential bike boulevards options to bring forward Research Nice Ride station options in St. Anthony Bring forward recommendations and design options for pathway and plantings in Trillium and Silver Point parks Contact SAV representative Connie Bernardy to assist with request to Ramsey County to evaluate changes to County Road D traffic flow Reduce city‐wide CO2 emissions reduction 12. Take up recommendation for Electric car charging in St. Anthony 13. Review city vehicle depreciation to identify 1st EV city purchase 14. Evaluate low‐carbon energy supply options to reduce city carbon footprint 15. Conduct campaign to reduce residential vehicle miles traveled 16. Conduct campaign for residential energy conservation 17. Conduct outreach to connect residents to low‐carbon energy supply options Research grant opportunities Evaluate public EV charging requirements and alternatives Organize EV car test drive opportunities
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