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ACCESSORY BUILDINGS (B). Accessory Buildings without a Principal Building. No accessory <br />building or structure shall be constructed on any lot prior to the time of <br />construction of the principal building to which it is an accessory unless <br />authorized through an agreement as prepared by the City Attorney and <br />approved by the City Council. <br />(C). Accessory Dwelling Units. Detached accessory buildings shall be <br />prohibited from containing complete independent living facilities <br />(accessory dwelling units), which would include permanent provisions for <br />living, sleeping, eating, and sanitation. <br />(D). Driveways.Driveways shall be required for doorway openings <br />meeting or exceeding 8 feet wide by 7 feet tall. All driveways must meet <br />the standards as outlined in §152.179. <br />(E). Drainage and Utility Easements. No part of an accessory building <br />shall extend into a drainage and utility easement or any required setback. <br />ACCESSORY BUILDINGS <br />(F). Landscape Elements. Landscape elements, such as vegetation, <br />gardens, statuary, and the like shall be allowed in all yards, provided <br />other applicable regulations are met. Retaining walls shall be considered <br />fences for the purposes of this ordinance. <br />(G). Trash Enclosures. Except for Single Family Residential properties, <br />trash enclosures, where allowed, shall be required to be constructed of <br />materials that match the materials used on the principal building <br />exterior, and shall not be located in any yard closer to the public right of <br />way than the principal structure. <br />(H). Detached Garage Accessory Building Materials. Detached Garages <br />Accessory Buildings accessory to attached and multiple family residential <br />dwellings, or any commercial or industrial use, shall be constructed of <br />materials that match those used on the principal building. <br />(L). Recreational Structures and Uses. Gazebos, pools, pool buildings, and <br />other detached recreational structures shall meet the setbacks, size <br />requirements, and other standards applicable to Garden Sheds.