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Section 3. Chapter 152, Section 152.176, Accessory Buildings, is hereby deleted in its <br />entirety. <br /> <br />Section 4. Chapter 152, Section 152.176, Accessory Buildings is hereby amended to <br />read as follows: <br /> <br />152.176 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. <br /> <br />(A). The following Accessory Buildings shall be allowed as permitted uses, subject to the <br />requirements of Table 152.176.(I): <br />1. R-1 and R-1A, Single Family Zones: <br />a. One (1) Attached Garage. <br />b. One (1) Detached Garage or One Accessory Building-Major <br />greater than 200 square feet in floor area. No more than two garages, <br />(only one of which may be a detached garage), shall be allowed on any <br />single family parcel. <br />c. One (1) Accessory Building–Minor no greater than 200 square feet <br />in floor area meeting the requirements of this ordinance. <br />d. Accessory uses which are not accessory buildings, including <br />swimming pools, hot tubs, play structures, animal shelters of less than 36 <br />square feet in area, and landscape elements that do not provide any shelter <br />for human occupancy, provided all other conditions and performance <br />standards are met. <br />e. Setback from Other Principal Buildings. Unless attached to and <br />made a part of the principal building, no eave or other portion of an <br />accessory building may be closer than 5 feet from any eave or other <br />portion of a principal or accessory building. <br />f. Design. All accessory buildings constructed after the construction <br />of the principal building must be designed and constructed in a manner <br />consistent with the design and general appearance of the principal <br />building. Accessory buildings constructed primarily of canvas, plastic <br />fabric, or other similar non-permanent materials shall be prohibited. <br /> <br />2. Attached and Multi-family Buildings. Attached and multi-family buildings <br />in the R-2, R-3 and R-4 districts are allowed one Accessory Building-Major of up <br />to 500 square feet in area, and one Accessory Building-Minor of 200 square feet <br />or less per complex, plus detached garage structures as needed to meet the <br />requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for off-street parking. <br /> <br />3. Commercial or Industrial Districts. No accessory building in a commercial <br />or industrial district shall exceed the height of the principal building except by <br />conditional use permit. <br /> <br />4. Building Standards. All accessory buildings in excess of 200 square feet <br />shall be constructed to the standards of the Minnesota State Building Code. The