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Print <br />All applicants are required to be a resident of St. Anthony Village.Date Received <br />Name* <br />Home Address*Zip Code* <br />Phone Number*Email Address* <br />In order for the Mayor and Council members to have a better understanding of your background and interests, <br />please provide the following information. <br />Why do you want to serve on the St. Anthony Village Planning Commission?* <br />Please list your prior experience serving on a Board, Commission, etc.* <br />Planning Commission Application - Submission #2593 <br />Date Submitted: 11/12/2020 <br />John Hageman <br />3530 Skycroft Dr 55418 <br />6122701183 <br />My wife Erica and I moved to St Anthony Village in 2017 and are happy to say we have found our “Forever Home.” Selfishly, I <br />want to server on the St Anthony Village Planning Commission to get more involved in my community and understand the <br />challenges and opportunities that we face together. In 2010, I graduated from the University of Colorado with my Master’s in <br />Urban and Regional Planning. There I focused on Real Estate and Economic Development. Upon graduation, I began working <br />the the Urban Renewal Authority with the City of Golden, Colorado. There I worked on various development projects that used <br />tax increment financing (TIF) and integrating the then new Light Rail lines into the community. My wife is a native to St Paul <br />and when she was offered a job with Target, we made to the move back to the Twin Cities. Since then, I’ve worked in the <br />private sector of real estate as an investor, leasing agent and currently a Realtor with Re/Max. <br /> <br />It is my hope that I can contribute my knowledge and experience in real estate, long-range planning and nurturing community <br />development to St Anthony Village’s Planning Commission. <br /> <br />During my tenure at the Golden Urban Renewal Authority, I attended our Advisory Board monthly meetings. I’m familiar with <br />Roberts Rules of Order and have made many presentations to our board, elected and appointed city officials. In 2012, I was <br />one of the lead Project Managers for the US Pro Cycling Challenge ( for the City of <br />Golden. Together with my other project managers and an appointed panel of city officials, we proposed and won the <br />penultimate stage during the race’s inaugural year. The results were fantastic boating a $3.1 million dollar economic impact to <br />the City alone during race week but saw over 25,000 visitors during the race day. <br />mm/dd/yyyy