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TOWER NUMBER ONE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY, MINNESOTA <br />Copyright 2020 by KLM Engineering, Inc. Page 3 <br />C St. Anthony, Minnesota <br />2 5 0 , 0 0 0 G A L L O N C A P A C I T Y <br />T O W E R N U M B E R O N E <br />2.0|EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />The tank was evaluated on the interior and exterior in conformance with the following: <br />a. KLM Engineering, Inc. Proposal. <br />b. General guidelines of AWWA Manual M42 Appendi <br />c. KLM "Procedures and Guidelines for Inspecting Existing Steel and Concrete Water Storage Tanks." <br />d. Appendix D Inspection and Evaluation Methods. <br />2.1|Structural Examination Summary <br />Based on the inspection data, it appears that some miscellaneous structural modifications and repairs are required. <br />These modifications and repairs serve to bring the tank into compliance with OSHA regulations and AWWA <br />standards, allow for better coating bonding, allow for safer access in and on the tank and, in some cases, removing <br />unnecessary items. <br />2.2|Coating Evaluation Summary <br />2.2.1|Lead and Chromium Content Analysis <br />Due to the coatings, application date of ffect at that time limiting the use <br />of lead or chromium based coatings, samples were not taken of the various types of coatings present on the <br />interior and exterior surfaces for lead or chromium testing. <br />2.2.2|Interior Wet Coating <br />Although records are not available, due to design it is presumed the tower was constructed and originally <br />coated by Universal Tank and Iron Wo is badly corroded and illegible). The <br />interior wet area was recoated by an unknown contractor in about 2000. There is visual evidence of spot <br />repairs applied approximately within the last five (5) years. The interior wet coating is in good to fair condition <br />with approximately ten (10) percent coating failures above and below the High-Water Line (HWL). Failures <br />above the HWL consist of corrosion along unwelded roof plate weld seams and rust nodules at random <br />locations. Failures below the HWL consist of rust nodules on weld seams, intermittently welded shell stiffener <br />ring and random locations. Due to age and condition the coating is not a candidate for repairs and should be <br />replaced in its entirety within three (3) years at the same time as the exterior coating. See photos in Appendix <br />A. <br />2.2.3|Exterior Coating <br />The exterior coating was replaced at the same time as the interior coating by Odland Protective Coatings in <br />about 2000. The exterior coating is in fair to poor overall condition with approximately twenty (20) percent <br />visible coating failures observed throughout the structure. The coating failures consist mainly of topcoat