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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br /> <br />To: Saint Anthony Village City Council <br />From: Charlie Yunker, City Manager and Shelly Rueckert, Finance Director <br />Date: July 13, 2021 City Council Work Session <br />Request: Providing Financial Services to NineNorth <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Dana Healy, the Executive Director of NineNorth approached the City to discuss providing financial services for <br />them, similar to what the City provides to the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), due <br />to a retirement of their internal employee performing that work. <br />Staff believes this would be a positive arrangement for both entities, as the MWMO arrangement has been since <br />2012. In this case, the City would need to add additional staff capacity to accommodate the additional workload, <br />and would need to add an additional .5 FTE to the Finance Department staffing. The cost associated with the <br />additional staff will be off-set with the new revenue earned, at an initial fee for services at $3,000 per month, so <br />there will be no budget impact. <br />Through discussions with NineNorth the retiring employee has agreed to serve in the role of the additional .5 <br />FTE at the City on a temporary basis. This will be very helpful in transitioning the processes to the City, and will <br />be the most efficient way to transition. <br />Attached for feedback is the draft Shared Services Agreement with NineNorth that has been modeled from our <br />existing contract with the MWMO. The agreement is set to expire at the end of 2021 to allow both entities time <br />to evaluate if the arrangement will work long-term. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR COUNCIL FEEDBACK <br />Below are the specific items for discussion and feedback: <br />• Any concerns with pursuing the arrangement, including the additional .5FTE? <br />• Other considerations for staff? <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1) Draft Shared Services Agreement