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Fiscal Year 202212/31/2020 $14.00ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET EST. ACTUAL BUDGET2017 2018 2019 2020 202120212022TAXES      101‐3101‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ CURRENT HENNEPIN/RAMSEY 3,546,540$       3,948,658$       4,275,305$       4,572,738$         4,659,557$       4,659,557$       4,905,754$       BASED ON PRELIMINARY ESTIMATES 101‐3102‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ DELINQUENT (5,053)                24,954               (18,387)             34,379                 2,250                 2,250                 2,500                 Based on current run rate101‐3103‐0‐0‐02 TAX ‐ MOBILE HOME/NON‐LEVY‐                         5,414                 5,033                 345                      4,050                 4,050                 2,050                 Based on current run rate101‐3105‐0‐0‐01 TAX ‐ TIF 245,142             257,772             286,087             262,104               216,500             216,500             184,025             Based on 2022 estimated actual TOTAL 3,786,628$       4,236,798$       4,548,038$       4,869,566$         4,882,357$       4,882,357$       5,094,329$       LICENSES 101‐3210‐1‐1‐01 LICENSE ON SALE INTOXICATING 24,600$             16,400$             16,719$             16,400$               16,400$             17,766$             24,600$             Anticipating full fee for LQ Licenses in 2022101‐3210‐1‐1‐02 LIQUOR INVST /COMPLIANCE‐                         500                    1,000                 1,000                   500                     ‐                          ‐                         No New license activity anticipated 101‐3210‐1‐1‐03 LICENSE WINE & BEER 6,500                 6,375                 5,125                 3,000                   3,000                 3,500                 3,500                 Based on current License count101‐3210‐1‐1‐04 LICENSE BEER 3.2% 550                    550                    300                    200                      200                    200                    200                    Based on current License count101‐3211‐1‐1‐01 LICENSE RENTAL SF 14,350               14,450               14,450               16,100                 14,150               14,700               14,400               Based on Est. current License count trend101‐3211‐1‐1‐02 LICENSE RENTAL MULTI FAMILY 19,870               16,990               16,990               17,190                 16,990               16,990               16,990               Based on current License count‐Doran license in 2023101‐3212‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE CIGARETTE SALES 2,100                 2,100                 2,400                 2,100                   2,100                 2,400                 2,400                 Based on current License count101‐3213‐1‐2‐00 LICENSE DOG 20                       ‐                          ‐                          ‐                            ‐                         500                     ‐                         Reg. Dog License retired in 2017 replaced w/ Dangerous dog license101‐3214‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE SERVICE STATION 1,560                 1,560                 2,100                 1,590                   1,560                 1,590                 1,590                 Based on current License count for active stations101‐3215‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE OTHER 1,250                 460                    430                    430                      430                    430                    430                    Based on current License count101‐3216‐1‐2‐00 LICENSE FIREWORKS 100                    100                    100                    100                      100                    100                    100                    Based on current License count101‐3218‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4,855                 4,385                 4,715                 4,075                   3,500                 4,675                 3,500                 License count varies based on construction activity101‐3219‐1‐1‐00 LICENSE HAULERS 1,350                 1,350                 1,350                 1,350                   1,350                 1,350                 1,350                 3 Commercial / 4 Residential Haulers  TOTAL 77,105$             65,220$             65,679$             63,535$               60,280$             64,201$             69,060$             PERMITS101‐3220‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS LAND USE 6,300$               7,000$               5,650$               9,960$                 3,000$               8,650$               4,500$               Conservative Est of run rate101‐3221‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS BUILDING 123,570             104,862             92,355               131,472               99,175               419,393             113,065             4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3221‐1‐1‐01 PERMITS PLAN CHECK 61,278               50,422               33,048               53,429                 42,919               250,161             49,544               4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3222‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS GAS, HVAC 36,501               20,376               15,012               11,083                 16,805               139,999             20,743               4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3223‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS PLUMBING 12,724               11,143               9,305                 8,854                   9,240                 134,029             10,506               4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3224‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ELECTRICAL 16,947               18,797               21,315               20,611                 14,214               65,147               19,418               4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3225‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ADMIN FEES 11,245               9,968                 11,295               12,046                 8,169                 11,139               15,000               4 yr. average revenue 2017‐2020101‐3228‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS ALARM 5,700                 3,454                 2,760                 3,260                   2,800                 2,800                 2,800                 Conservative Est of run rate101‐3229‐1‐1‐00 PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS 6,860                 4,710                 12,145               3,982                   4,000                 3,640                 6,000                 Sign permits ROW permits‐ 2022 signage for new apt.s TOTAL 281,125$          230,732$          202,884$          254,697$            200,321$          1,034,958$       241,576$          INTERGOVERNMENTAL 101‐3310‐2‐3‐00 FEDERAL GRANTS 6,092 471 2,036 689,176$            3,500 3,500                 3,500 Includes State vest reimbursement as well101‐3320‐2‐2‐01 ISD 282‐ DARE PROGRAM 14,500               14,500               14,500               16,326                 14,500                ‐                          ‐                         School opted out of DARE program after 2021 budget was adopted101‐3330‐0‐0‐00 MVHC/LGA 528,225             552,240             553,865             613,302               640,386             640,386             640,386             Based on 2021 LGA 101‐3340‐0‐0‐00 STATE AID‐ PERA INCREASE 7,197                 7,197                 7,197                  ‐                           7,197                  ‐                          ‐                         Legislation to extend aid past 2020 failed 101‐3342‐2‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ FIRE RELIEF 53,206               53,083               53,716                ‐                           ‐                         ‐                         ‐                         FIRE RELEF PART OF STATE PLAN NO PASS THOUGH OF AID 101‐3346‐2‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ POLICE 207,448             206,192             197,500             205,476               198,076             198,076             196,057             2022 budget reflects less training aid (Special legislation increased amounts for 20/21)101‐3348‐3‐2‐00 STATE AID‐ MSA MAINTENANCE 88,708               97,275               96,265               103,441               99,302               93,988               93,988               2022 Based on 2021 State Aid ‐2021 act. impacted by Covid reduced gas tax collections101‐3350‐2‐2‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ FIRE (DISABILITY & ED) 37,419               19,696               11,552               9,856                   10,500               10,500               7,500                 2022 Estimated 2021/2022 Grant base level101‐3360‐2‐2‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ POLICE 35,658               41,623               52,625               52,689                 42,000               42,000               48,000               Safe and sober program estimated activity101‐3362‐0‐0‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐RECYCLING ‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                            ‐                          ‐                         17,567               Closed out recycling fund‐moved revenue here101‐3365‐1‐1‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ MISCELLANEOUS 78                       ‐                          ‐                          ‐                           250                    250                    250                    Est of run rate101‐3370‐2‐2‐00 LOCAL GRANTS‐ PW‐                         68                      4,432                 1,064                   5,000                 5,000                 5,000                 Opportunity operating grants TOTAL 978,532$          992,347$          993,689$          1,691,330$         1,020,711$       993,700$          1,012,248$       101‐3380‐1‐1‐03 CS MWMO 94,851$             102,148             109,612$          115,381$            116,204$          117,314$          120,641$          2022 based on Est increase in personnel billing rates101‐3380‐1‐1‐04 CS BIRCHWOOD 7,894                 7,789                 11,492               8,138                   8,567                 8,567                 8,567                 Based on current level of contract services and rate increase101‐3380‐1‐2‐07 CS ISD 282 10,366               11,965               13,981               6,445                   12,854               12,854               12,854               Based on current level of contract services101‐3380‐2‐1‐08 CS PD OTHER REIMB OT‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                           10,000                ‐                          ‐                         Other reimbursed OT, No National event held in state in 2022CHARGES FOR SERVICESGENERAL FUND REVENUES DETAIL