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(G) Multi-family housing which exceeds the height and density standards <br />of this section, provided that: <br />(1) Maximum height shall be limited to fifty (50) feet and no more <br />than four (4) stories (parking garages that are constructed <br />which are at least 50% below natural grade shall not count as a <br />“story” for the purposes of this section); <br />(2) Density shall be limited to between twenty (20) and forty (40) <br />unit per acre; <br />(3) Multi-family housing constructed under this provision shall be <br />required to meet setbacks which are double those of this <br />Section; <br />(4) Such housing shall be located on a parcel that is within four <br />hundred (400) feet of a public transit stop. Such housing shall <br />provide off-street parking of no less than 1.1 spaces per <br />bedroom, or 1.5 spaces per unit, whichever is greater, no less <br />than 50% of which shall be underground or under the principal <br />building; <br />(5) Such housing located on a parcel more than four hundred (400) <br />feet from a public transit stop may be allowed, but shall <br />provide off-street parking of at least 2.0 spaces per unit, no less <br />than 50% of which shall be underground or under the principal <br />building; <br />(6) Additional conditions deemed necessary by the City Council to <br />support the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and <br />the conditions found in the immediate neighborhood of the <br />proposed development. <br />(H) Multi-family housing restricted to units which are occupied by at least <br />one senior citizen 55 years of age and older, provided that: <br />(1) The development provides at least 75% of its required parking <br />underground or under the building; <br />(2) The required parking for the facility totals no less than 1.1 <br />parking spaces per unit; <br />(3) The facility is located on a collector or arterial status street as <br />identified in the Comprehensive Plan, or the facility has <br />provided specific plans for alternative transit services to be <br />available to senior residents of the facility, whether provided <br />publicly or privately; <br />(4) Unit sizes may fall below the thresholds in this Section, but <br />shall include a demonstration by plan as to how such units may <br />be converted to meet the requirements of this Section if the <br />building is redesigned to accommodate occupants that are not <br />senior citizens; <br />(5) Density of the project shall be limited to between twenty (20) <br />and forty (40) units per acre; <br />(6) Additional conditions deemed necessary by the City Council to <br />support the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and <br />the conditions found in the immediate neighborhood of the <br />proposed development. <br /> <br />152.03 ACCESSORY USES. Subject to the provisions of §§ 152.175 through <br />19