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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br /> <br />To: St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From: Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date: Planning Commission Meeting – August 17, 2021 <br />NAC Project No. 323.01 – 21.07 <br />Request: Request for a Preliminary Plan Planned Unit Development for a new Bank <br />building, 76-unit multi-family housing, and land transfer <br /> <br />Property Address: 2401 Lowry Avenue NE; 2654 Kenzie Terrance; 2534 Kenzie Terrace <br /> <br />Property PID: 0702923230002; 0702923240020, 0702923240021; 0702923230015 <br /> <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The Applicants are Interstate Development, with Bremer Bank, and co-applicant City of St. <br />Anthony Village. The project involves applying a PUD zoning district over the 3 subject parcels, <br />two of which are owned by Bremer Bank, and one which is owned by the City. Interstate <br />proposes to construct a new bank facility for Bremer on the City’s “old bowling alley” site. <br />Once that construction is completed, Bremer would relocate from its existing building to the <br />new site. At that point, Interstate would undertake demolition of the old Bremer building and <br />construct a new 76-unit multi-family structure on the property. As a part of the three-way <br />transaction, the City would take control of the small triangle at 2534 Kenzie, currently vacant. <br />The City has discussed, in concept, ideas relating to City entrance monumentation on that site. <br />Future development opportunities are not clear. <br />The project received concept review at a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and City <br />Council earlier this year. Primary among the comments for this project were an interest in <br />affordability for the multi-family project, as that has been a policy related to reuse of the City’s <br />bowling alley property. Other objectives related to architecture and site planning at the <br />Kenzie/Lowry/Stinson corner that create an entry statement to the community, and supporting <br />retention of Bremer Bank as a commercial presence in the City. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff has reviewed the project for land use compliance with the intent and policies of the City’s <br />Comprehensive Plan, and for zoning consistency with the C, Commercial and R-4, Multiple <br />Family Residential Districts as baselines. In summary, the Comprehensive Plan promotes use of <br />the subject properties that reflect the proposed uses of commercial and high density multiple <br />family residential uses of up to 40 units per acre.