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PL PACKET 08172021
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PL PACKET 08172021
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8/17/2021 10:02:08 AM
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8/12/2021 4:05:22 PM
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August 17, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Interstate’s goal is to create workforce attainable housing without the utilization of TIF, grants, <br />tax credits or subsidy from government and nongovernment agencies. Interstate is currently <br />targeting rents ranging from $1,300 / month for a 1-bedroom unit and $2,350 for a 3-bedroom <br />unit. <br /> <br />Site Plan Review Summary <br /> <br />Proposed Bank Facility – 2654 Kenzie Terrace <br /> <br />The new bank building would be approximately 5,825 square feet. The site currently has no <br />direct access to Kenzie Terrace as the property has been vacant for many years. A new curb cut <br />would be located at the westerly corner of the site. This access will require approval of <br />Hennepin County at Kenzie Terrace is a County roadway. <br /> <br />Circulation. Traffic would also have access from the alleyway at the southeast corner of the <br />site. This alley has been identified as a potentially important street for long-term <br />redevelopment of the commercial areas surrounding the subject site. Noted in this regard, <br />however, would be the need to convey a small corner of the site to the city from the larger <br />parcel. That corner extends into the alley, and with transfer of the property to a private party, <br />the city would want to retain all areas that impact the alley layout. <br /> <br />Traffic entering the site would have access to parking along the front entry portion of the <br />building, flanking both sides of the entrance drive. A total of 21 parking spaces serve the <br />building, a ratio of one space per 277 square feet gross. The building contains more than 1,000 <br />square feet of non-productive space (restrooms, breakroom, storage, mechanical). Discounting <br />those spaces, the ratio is one space per 228 square feet net. The zoning ordinance requires at <br />least one space per 300 square feet. The proposal is consistent with this aspect of the code. <br /> <br />One issue with the proposed site plan is the location and access to the drive-through window <br />services. The plan shows that area on the southeast side of the site, with three lanes. Traffic <br />existing the drive-through would circulate via an exit lane around the building to the north, and <br />then to Kenzie Terrace. <br /> <br />The issue with this design is the lack of drive-through stacking area. With more than two cars in <br />any of the lanes, conflicts would result from vehicles stacked into the main drive lane. Staff <br />would typically look for at least 4 spaces per lane to stack vehicles in a bank drive-through. One <br />option would be to flip the building to place the drive-through window and lanes on the Kenzie <br />Terrace portion of the site. In this way, what is now a long exit lane would provide stacking for <br />drive-though customers. It is further noted that the drive-through canopy encroaches into the <br />25 foot setback from the alley. This would be an aspect of PUD flexibility. <br /> <br />Building Materials. Building Materials area combination of primarily brick and glass, with fiber <br />cement and metal panel accents. The building itself would be as high as 23 feet to the top of <br />the highest parapet, well under the maximum 35 foot building height. <br /> <br />
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