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CC PACKET 10262021
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CC PACKET 10262021
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10/21/2021 3:40:46 PM
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10/21/2021 3:33:37 PM
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October 26, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />(D) Density transfer. The project density may be clustered, basing density on a number <br />of units per acre in place of specific lot dimensions; and <br />(E) District integration. The combination of uses which are allowed in separate zoning <br />districts such as: <br />1.Mixed residential uses to allow both densities and unit types to be varied within <br />the project; <br />2.Mixed residential uses with increased density based upon the greater sensitivity <br />of PUD projects to regulation; and <br />3.Mixed land uses with the integration of compatible land uses within the project. <br />Processing. To accommodate the requested PUD amendment, a two-stage review process <br />is required. The initial application approved in September was the Preliminary PUD Plan <br />stage. Preliminary Plan approval is similar to a rezoning in that it establishes that the <br />proposed use is appropriate for the subject site. Also, as part of Preliminary Plan review, <br />various conditions of approval are typically imposed. The Preliminary Plan was reviewed by <br />the Planning Commission at a public hearing, review and then approved by the City Council. <br />The second stage, currently before the Council, is the Final PUD Plan which serves to <br />implement the various conditions of Preliminary Plan approval and ensure that such <br />conditions have been satisfied. The Final Plan is reviewed by the City Council for adoption <br />as an ordinance. No public hearing is required for Final Plan. <br />Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Council has classified St. Anthony Village as an “urban <br />community.” “Urban communities” are expected to plan for forecasted population and <br />household growth at average densities of at least 10 units per acre for new development and <br />redevelopment. In addition, “urban communities” are expected to target opportunities for <br />intensive development near regional transit investments. <br />The City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject properties as important <br />redevelopment opportunities. Recognizing that the City is expected to accommodate an <br />increase in population and that little to no vacant land presently exists, redevelopment of <br />previously developed sites is considered the primary means of achieving the City’s residential <br />density objectives. <br />The proposed redevelopment project is considered consistent with the City’s 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Interstate’s goal is to create workforce attainable housing without the utilization of TIF, grants, <br />tax credits or subsidy from government and nongovernment agencies. Interstate is currently <br />targeting rents ranging from $1,300 / month for a 1-bedroom unit and $2,350 for a 3-bedroom <br />unit.
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